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Allow me to share my story how my relationship ended. We have met each other online, stayed together for 3 years, I moved countries for her, started working there, got a job that required a lot of travelling and days apart. We spent a year living together, doing things all couples do. We argued a lot, and the time we spent apart I started becoming needy and insecure. I let her have all the freedom she wanted, but I sort of started demanding for her to call for half a minute a day just to hear from her. She then went on vacation for a month and the calls became less and less regular as she was partying with her friends. She didn't call me because the signal was bad and we couldn't talk and I lost my mind and went overboard. I blocked her for two days to get my jealous together and she was done after that. Her friends and family had talked her out of it and when she came back she brought some "unimportant" friend over to make sure I leave the flat. She was very direct and I left in 30 minutes without much closure. Spent the night out, talked to her on the morning on the phone, things seemed fine, she said she will move on, we joked about her having sex with others etc... Then I tried to arrange one last meeting and she refused to see me (probably needed space) and when I was on the way to the venue she (at least it seemed like it) set up this trick with a guy to let him in just when I came by. I texted her she was manipulative and returned to my country. I came back home and now I'm wondering what the chances getting back together are, and what I should probably do to make her reconsider. I have apologized for the post break-up mistakes and she said she only wishes me the best. She spends the majority of her time online and I can see she is very happy, playing video games, talking to people online and so on. How could she have gone to a loving person to a demon in such a short amount of time and could she have this hatred towards me all the time. I know I should be moving on, but we both once believe we could make it work. She even said when she was breaking up with me to go back home and we will see how we feel in 3 months from now. She wanted a clear break, to give her space and I told her I respect her decision and left. It's been a few days of NC now so I'm wondering if I should try to talk to her instead and warm her up, instead of disappearing and increase the distance in the process.


Thank you all

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By your own admission, you two were arguing a lot, then to add on to that, you felt insecure and needy, which is never a good thing in a relationship. It seems like you two just weren't really working out for a long time. This may hurt, but sounds like it might be for the best that you to part ways and find better partners in the future. As in more compatible.

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She has made it clear she is going to move on and wishes you the best. Time for you to do the same.


If you want to do some soul searching, it sounds like you were insecure and clingy. It might be good to find someone with a similar attachment style and work on personal development.


Go NC and in time you’ll move on. Good luck.

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We talked and she said she wants to be friends in the future and that she will now have sex with other guys and I said I'm only interested in being lovers she said it's not impossible, later, but now definitely not. So to answer your questions, she doesn't want to get back together at the moment. Especially now that she is spending nights at that guy playing games and probably even more...

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She's keeping you on the back burner. She's not interested.

Unless you want to be viewed as purely a toy, I suggest blocking and moving on for good.




You would have to be completely lacking self respect to even entertain considering someone that told you she doesn't want you and is wanting to sleep with other people. The audacity of that comment is staggering.

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Sorry to hear this, but that's your answer. She's seeing someone else. Pull yourself together and do not contact her. Don't become the stalker ex. Delete her from everything. Don't hang out in the friendzone hoping she comes back. Get on some dating apps and start to browse. When you are ready start meeting women for coffee.

We talked and she said she wants to be friends in the future and that she will now have sex with other guys
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Thanks for all the advice guys. I have ed up the relationship and I wanted to do my best to fix it. She is not of the same mind at the moment, is full of resentment and wants to give the world a try. I have a hard time moving on because we had really good moments too, from cuddling, going out, playing games, working out and everything else that comes with it.


I want to move on and not hate her or harm her in any way, it's been since new year when we broke up and I want to get her out of my head but I can't. While she is screwing other guys and having fun, I'm doing the opposite. Hoping for the best is the worst feeling one can have. What if she does this/comes back/begs on her knees/realizes the mistake/wants to give it another shot... Knowing how soft I am, I would probably let her in again.

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