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My SO has been hounding other women on social media and on messenger. I caught him. He denied it for a time but then confessed that he was concerned I was not serious about him. (Thus the reason for hounding) So I made it official. He puts me on a pedestal. Makes posts about how wonderful I am. He posts pictures of us and even has a pet name for me. He has always done this.

However, since made a serious commitment to him I am still seeing him hound other women online. One girl I noticed unfollowed him after he liked and commented on many of her photos. Should I see this as a very red flag?

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He's acting predatory to these women, and it shows a lack of respect for yoyr relationship.

Most likely he committed so as to not lose you. He is being immature.

If it bothers, which it does, you have to make changes.

He stops, or you break up.

If it's women he knows, that are friends, etc, I don't see the harm. But that doesn't seem as if it's the case.

This behavior could easily lead to cheating.

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Thank you. I almost want to ask the girl who unfollowed him. But that's creepy.

Ugh. I don't understand how he announces all over social media our wonderful relationship and then continues to hound other women's threads. He is wonderful on many levels. Except that. He is impulsive. He needs verification from other women. He is an attention hound. I am struggling with this. This is why I am seeking a forum to talk.

Thank you for the advice

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His excuse is ridiculous. There are men who try to be harem masters. Avoid them, just like you should avoid anyone who regularly leaves you upset. You can only choose one person to be your lifetime partner. Your heart and brain have to both agree or you're making a mistake. Your heart is telling you yes. Your brain is telling you no. Find a guy who both of your vital organs agree on.

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Making lewd comments on other girls posts. Women who follow him on Instagram and women who don't. His predatorial behavior concerns me. He also emotionally cheats on me on messenger with other women.

Tells me he won't let me see the messages in fear that I will "misunderstand" them.

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Making lewd comments on other girls posts. Women who follow him on Instagram and women who don't. His predatorial behavior concerns me. He also emotionally cheats on me on messenger with other women.

Tells me he won't let me see the messages in fear that I will "misunderstand" them.


So this all begs the question - why are you dating a guy who doesn't give a crap about you and your feelings?

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It WAS exclusive. Told me that he wanted no one else. Puts me on a pedestal and is my loving friend. Brags about me on social media. I was the one yada yada..

Then I see him messaging this other woman telling her he prefers her over me.

Just frustrated as to why he told me he wanted me in his life exclusively when he is talking inappropriately with other women on social media and on messenger.

Why??? Why does he want me in his life so bad. Even talked of marriage. Said he was doing right by me when he wasn't.

This is a mixed up man.

..oh and I noticed he still follows dating sites on social media..

Not that it matters to me anymore

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