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Should I just give in and call?

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Hello again,

I have posted earlier about my fiance and the fact that we got into a huge fight but long story short he told me to go back to my parents (I was living with him in his parents basement) and I told him I know I am going there (packed up some stuff and left). I packed up some things and left and we havnt had any contact since then. There is so much I want to say and feel like im in a state of limbo but I am so hurt by the fact that he hasnt even tried to contact me once and its been 4 full days of no contact (we have never not communicated that long). I think he is waiting for me to give in first and contact, because he is very stubborn type and very proud. I feel like he doesnt even know what he has put me through and I need to voice my thoughts. Everyone else is super stresseed including my parents because I am supposed to marry this man in July! What should I do? thank you

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After reading your previous post, I would at the very least postpone the wedding and re-evaluate the entire situation. It sounds like he should be contacting you, simply because the ball is in his court. In any event his further actions will tell you where you stand.


I'm sure you know by now that living with a SO and their parents is a recipe for disaster, and as a rule never ends well.

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I agree with both posters above. At the very least the wedding needs to be put on hold until ALL issues have bee resolved. Getting married when there are so many very real and very concerning issues would be extremely foolish and can only end one way (divorce), imo.


Don't give in and don't contact. The ball is in his court.

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I would not, because it doesn't buy you anything but a crawl back into a lousy situation, and you'll be right back into the same misery soup as before. Given that he's the mama's boy who expects you to obey his mother rather than stepping up to run his own household, what's to be gained by contacting him?


Let him see what life without you is all about, and if he contacts you with specific changes he's willing to make, then you'll have some options to consider. Otherwise, what's the whole point in conceding to return to a miserable position?


I'd make it my private goal to surprise everyone, including myself with resilience and ability to bounce back to focus on building my own life and happiness. You will thank yourself later.

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