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My little girl (cat) died unexpectedly


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I'm heartbroken. This weekend coming home from an on call shift, noticed something was wrong. Dad told me she vomited once in the morning. She was not like herself. A little lethargic, but she did play and went to the litterbox. Since she sometimes had hairballs that bothered her decided to wait. At night, she was very quiet , normally she comes meowing to play every night. In the morning i called the vet. We took her. She was still alert. Clinical exam showed nothing.He thought she ate something bad and gave her an injection of pain killers and anti nausea. In the afternoon, she worsened rapidly. Took her to the vet again at night. Not feeling right. Blood exam showed very bad kidney values. I had to leave her at the vet for intravenous fluids.' She survived the night and they did an ultrasound. Showed large dilatation of te kidneys, somehow looked like cysts. They contacted a specialist at a university center. He thought it were kidney stones and she needed urgent surgery. She immediately gave her the pre anesthetic medication.. Her body gave up. She died even before surgery had started.



This is the sole thing in my life that gave me happiness, she was only two years old! I am so devastated! angry at myself for trusting the vets and not my own intuition.. Wondering if she might still be alive right now if i did.. I find it so horrible that her last day and night were in a cage full of pain and nausea. I hate myself for letting this happen!!


Rest in peace my sweetheart, the sole reason of my existence ❤️❤️❤️


I cant even begin to describe how much this hurts

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So sorry to hear your news. We lost our cat about five years ago in similar circumstances and in the end at three in the morning I took her to the vet to have her put to sleep. Very upsetting at the time but I know it was the right thing - she had stopped eating and purring, which was very unlike her. My only comfort has ever been that when she was at the vets she started to purr, which I almost took as "I'm ready to go, Mum". Yes, you're grieving and so very sad right now. It is still grief, even if it's "just a pet" to some. We have two cats and a dog and can't even begin to think about them not being about - they are extensions of our family. They ARE family! No matter how you feel right now, you did the right thing. Kidney failure in cats is very common and usually not something which can be cured. But I know it doesn't make it any easier - your head full of "what ifs".


Be kind to yourself, remember the best times with your puss and know that you were doing the right thing and she's at peace. You wouldn't have wanted her to suffer? Time is a good healer and there is no limit on time to grieve. Just be kind to yourself and stay well. I have included a link to a website I found which might help. Sending love and hugs XX



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I'm just so baffled about how fast this has gone. One minute she was speeding down the house playing, three days later she is dead. Life is so cruel! She was the only one that lit up my life.. She meant the world to me. Just can't grasp god took her away from me..

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I am so sorry, how horrible to lose your sweet baby so suddenly. I have lost a number of pets over the years, and with every one it's like you lose a little bit of your heart that you never get back.


Your darling girl is in kitty heaven, with no more pain EVER. She is happy and healthy and playing with my cats, who are up there too.


Sending you so many hugs, ((((Lucha))))

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Please.. Are there any other people on here who share the same stories of losing a pet.. In my friends and family i only have two friends who can relate to the tremendous amount of pain i'm feeling..


To me, this cat was more than a pet.. She meant the world to me and losing her is 2000 times worse than losing any of my family members that i don't have a bond with.. Stating this almost makes me look like a freak to some people.. I feel so alone

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Losing any pet I've ever lost has always caused great grief to my heart . But time eventually fills that hole. As time goes by you just remember the fun times you had with that pet.


I don't understand your other feeling so I can't really comment on that . I will say though everyone's feelings are valid to themselves and important for that reason.

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Lucha, I know what it's like to lose a pet -from the age of 10 when my guinea pig died and I sobbed my way around the golf course with my dad because he thought it would be a good idea for me to get out in the fresh air. Then the age of 38 when I lost my cat. She suffered for a few days before, as I said previously, I took her to the vets to be put to sleep. everybody is different in their grief when it comes to pets - you are clearly devastated and others maybe wouldn't be so much. I'm probably somewhere in the middle. But, it's all relative and no one person can tell you how you should or shouldn't be feeling and whether the feelings you have are real or not. You don't look like a freak - you're grieving for your best friend.


I'll tell you something... a very good friend of mine had a dog (a Jack Russell - cute but very yappy!) which she worshipped. She had her for three years, they went everywhere together, walks, holidays you name it they did it. My friend and her dog had their own blog and without a doubt this dog, let's call her Cindy, was her rock. My friend suffers from severe depression so Cindy was always there to give her a hug. One day they went for a walk and Cindy chased a squirrel into the road and was run over and killed. I sobbed for hours as I knew how much Cindy meant to my friend. But, three days later she said she couldn't deal with the loneliness any longer and went out and got another puppy. Let's call her Scamp. I admit, I was surprised as I knew how much Cindy meant to my friend, but that's what she did. Scamp isn't a replacement for Cindy and never will be. We still talk about Cindy and there is a tree on our local common where you can place memorials to your lost pets, which is what my friend did. It's beautiful. Is there anything like that you can do where you are? I'm not saying you should necessarily go out and get another cat straight away, but you never know, it might help the process of healing for you. Someone (see, even I see cats as human!) to nurture, love and care for. Someone to talk to if you can't talk to anyone else. Just putting some ideas out there. Hope you feel better soon. It does get easier, I promise. Hugest hugs XX

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I got her when my 17 year old cat died, only a week after her death. She really helped me over the grief, by bringing so much joy and new life into my life. Right now, I don't know. It would feel like replacing her, like betraying her, like acting it wasn't such a big loss and can easily be replaced.


But I know I'll never get used to life without cats. She has been taken away from me so sudden, literally feels like my heart has been ripped out.


I will get another cat but don't know how or when or.. Just finding a way to understand this major loss. Why do some people have everything, and others get hit by grief time after time. This wasn't the first pet I lost but she was only two years old , the poor thing had a whole life of spoiling ahead of her.. I'm so saddened I couldn't be there for her in her last days.. That I had to leave her at the vet, alone to die.. It is so awful! she didn't have a single chance.


I'd love to hear more of people who cared about their pets as much as they would about human beings. Just to feel less alone with this feeling of utter devastation

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I got her when my 17 year old cat died, only a week after her death. She really helped me over the grief, by bringing so much joy and new life into my life. Right now, I don't know. It would feel like replacing her, like betraying her, like acting it wasn't such a big loss and can easily be replaced.


But I know I'll never get used to life without cats. She has been taken away from me so sudden, literally feels like my heart has been ripped out.


I will get another cat but don't know how or when or.. Just finding a way to understand this major loss. .


Only you know the answer to this one. Like I said, grief affects everyone differently. It's not about her not having a chance... she was very poorly and whilst I appreciate that things didn't pan out how you anticipated they would.... would you really have wanted her to suffer any longer? I too can't imagine a life without a cat, but I also know what it's like to lose one and no matter how many you have, it doesn't get any easier. Hugs X

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Only you know the answer to this one. Like I said, grief affects everyone differently. It's not about her not having a chance... she was very poorly and whilst I appreciate that things didn't pan out how you anticipated they would.... would you really have wanted her to suffer any longer? I too can't imagine a life without a cat, but I also know what it's like to lose one and no matter how many you have, it doesn't get any easier. Hugs X


I am just so angry at myself that I couldn't protect her from pain and suffering. These last days she must have been in awful pain. I thought I did the best for her by leaving her at the vet on an IV line, but I think it just worsened her pain and on top of that make her feel terribly alone.. On the other hand, she was very sick at home too.. She was dying.. I felt it! Didn't know what else to do..,.. If I had known what was about to happen I would have taken her back home with pain killers and just have her die peacefully at home.. Or maybe even have her put to sleep immediately.. I dont know. Feels like she had to suffer unnecessarily

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That's the one thing that's hard to deal with. For the most part, our pets can't tell us when they're not well. Cats can either stop eating or take themselves off to spend their last hours on their own. I think the thing here you're finding the hardest is that she died before anyone had the chance to do anything, whether it would have worked or not. I could say the same about our puss a few years ago... we didn't take her to the vets straight away and when we did they said she had fluid around her insides. But we took her home and hoped she would be alright, but she wasn't, still didn't eat and then we had her PTS then. Maybe two days after she stopped eating. Like I said, our animals can't tell us when they're poorly and it's only when it's blatantly obvious that they're not right do we do anything. If you had taken her home who's to say she would have carried on for a day or two or more. I think you did the right thing.... but it didn't go to plan as anticipated and she died before you had a chance to say goodbye.


Have you made any arrangements with her body? Can you get her from the vet and bury her in the garden or scatter her ashes somewhere, if that's something you would consider. Then at least you'd have "something" to go to. Hugs X

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I am just so angry at myself that I couldn't protect her from pain and suffering. These last days she must have been in awful pain. I thought I did the best for her by leaving her at the vet on an IV line, but I think it just worsened her pain and on top of that make her feel terribly alone.. On the other hand, she was very sick at home too.. She was dying.. I felt it! Didn't know what else to do..,.. If I had known what was about to happen I would have taken her back home with pain killers and just have her die peacefully at home.. Or maybe even have her put to sleep immediately.. I dont know. Feels like she had to suffer unnecessarily




A cat will not show being sick until they are at death's door . In the wild they would be picked off if they were shown to be weak . So don't blame yourself cats hide illness very well .


Also too you cannot save anyone or any animal really from pain and suffering . Unfortunately the way it is life has pain and suffering .


You will be ok Lucha.

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