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  1. It's rather childish that you're here stomping your feet and losing your mind with posters for calling you out when you gave zero context for your poor behaviour. We don't know your life story. Get over yourself, is my advice.
  2. You're the place-holder until she meets the guy she wants to actually date.
  3. You need to establish some boundaries with this man. It is already strange enough that he's sharing his mental health problems with you when you don't really know him and he's a colleague. That's a red flag in and of itself. Now he's trying to hit you up privately. I would keep your distance and not get into FB chats with him. It is going to get a lot more awkward if you let this continue and it heads in a direction that's a lot harder to reverse.
  4. This is plain rude and unprofessional. Yes, I would inform the boss about this one. You are leaving soon, true, but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable. It needs to be addressed, and even if they don't do much about it, it will be on record. That way if it happens again with someone else (or you, in your remaining weeks), it will be noted that it's not a one-off but a more concerning pattern of behaviour.
  5. So, he has threatened to leave you. That's what I'm getting here, and you are scrambling to hang on to him and being defensive about it. A lawyer and judge would make sure he sees his kids again anyway, so that's a silly and desperate argument. Get real, OP. Nobody here is going to offer advice on how to continuing mistreating this man.
  6. You realize this is more than likely a load of equine manure, right? He got caught that way, so he's now pretending he did it on purpose? Sure, buddy. The more you tell us about this guy, OP, the worse he comes across. Sorry, but I'd still be moving on. I would be too turned off by his dishonesty and immaturity.. No wonder women his age don't want to date him. They see through his BS in a way that a younger and less experienced woman might not.
  7. So, this is a verbally abusive relationship? And emotionally abusive? You can't. Your partner has free agency to leave you if they can't take it anymore. That will be the price you pay for mistreating them.
  8. What makes you think she’ll actually have made up her mind after the weekend? There’s every chance she still won’t have really have decided anything. You’re being too rigid about your expectations of this specific weekend. The biggest decision of all has already been made. She isn’t struggling with her choice to break up, because that’s already happened. You’re grasping desperately at straws, man.
  9. Son, it's you who doesn't understand how games works. You asked her out and she rejected you. Don't let you ego steer the ship and make a fool of yourself to a woman who is interested in someone else. You're a bit too deep in the PUA nonsense.
  10. It sounds like you already know he isn't as into this as you are (or at least, not in a way that's fulfilling for you), and that is why you don't really ask about it. You already know this is enough for him and it won't likely change. You can speak to him about it but my guess is you're going to find that this is just who he is and he doesn't really want more "together-ness." I also wonder why he only works part-time at his age. Does he make enough to support himself?
  11. This. Having her come along with the parents is not a good idea. Arrange something separate for you two to do alone, OP.
  12. OP, how old are you? What part of the world are you in? Your answers to these questions may help us better guide you and steer you towards available local resources.
  13. What is it you expect her to say that will give you closure? She has already ended your relationship and is effectively seeing her ex again. I don't get what more to need to hear to understand that your relationship with her is over. I know it's hard to let go and you're now scrambling for any sign of hope, but you have got to stop putting yourself through this. You will prolong your own pain (and your eventual healing) if you don't.
  14. So, go and live your relationship. You don't need to convince us that she is great. If you believe that to be true, have at it. Good luck.
  15. Nope, I woudln't pass "Go" with this guy. He lied more than once, and didn't come clean. You found out on your own and had to confront him about it. I wouldn't bother trying to build trust with someone who lies right to my face for their own gain, right out of the gate. Next.
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