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Wiseman2 last won the day on May 4

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Community Answers

  1. Do you have other social opportunities to meet women? If your "game" is so good you could get dates without having to slink around gyms asking women out who tell you they're not interested because they have a BF.
  2. The jealous BF had a hissy fit and blocked her rather than ever acknowledging nurses week. There's no amends to make.. It's interesting this BF didn't do anything but ruin her day. Who does that? . There's just reconsidering a relationship with someone like that, especially considering his immature behavior from the past. . Professional acknowledgement wouldn't threaten anyone but the most insecure putz.
  3. This this happened to you as well? It's written in the first person . Are you the OP?
  4. A Man Bought Extra Rations,,πŸ• ONSET πŸ“†
  5. Zooming In Less Can Harm πŸ“½οΈ RUNTS🐷
  6. Yesterday Everyone Acted Really Nice πŸ™‚ METER 🚏
  7. Unfortunately it seems like you're worried that he's tiptoeing out of the relationship. That could be true since he's making less effort to see you as well as communicate with you.
  8. Great update. It's good you were patient and accepted the drinks and coffee invitations. Enjoy your coffee breaks and drinks with the colleagues.
  9. Various Attorneys Plead In Denial πŸ§‘β€βš–οΈ HARPSπŸ˜‡
  10. The "tension" you feel is her not being interested. If she were open to anything, she wouldn't have said she has a BF and dates only one person at a time.
  11. Sorry this is happening. Is this a distance situation? How often do you see each other? How the relationship and communication otherwise? Was he ever a big texter? Are you worried there's someone else or that you have to text-tether him or keep tabs? Why not set aside a specific time to catch up evenings rather than random texts?
  12. Understanding Science Has Entered Reality πŸ”¬ GERMS 🦠
  13. Even though you have a crush, when someone says they're dating someone or otherwise not available, it's best to step back and move forward. Waiting in the wings is usually an exercise in futility.
  14. Try And Be Interesting Everyday,😎 PRIDE πŸ†
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