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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    The Value of Variety in Relationships and the Rewards of Understanding Distinct Perspectives

    As the saying goes "variety is the spice of life." This phrase can often be brought up in the context of food or travel. But, it is diverse perspectives that make life truly savory because it encourages us to step out of our comfort zones into unfamiliar territories. This reminder has never been more pertinent as we experience a greater need for understanding different viewpoints. Particularly in the area of relationships, there is a large reward in embracing diversity.

    Too often, in personal relationships, we quickly default to our own way of thinking and living when it comes to making decisions. Especially in intimate relationships, one partner might expect the other to conform to his or her beliefs and ideas. This can lead to power imbalances and conflict that slowly erodes the trust within the relationship. On the flip side, when both parties consider each other's votes and aim to comprehend distinct points of view, the bond can become based on an open-mindedness and greater depth of communication, which then translates into a healthier relationship.

    Diversity does not start and end with opinions; it goes beyond that, manifesting itself in all avenues of life. A relationship is made of individuals who are looking to create something bigger than just a merger of two lives. The couple should reflect a mixture of cultures, religions, outlooks, and experiences. This mutual appreciation will lead to new discoveries that weren't possible when we choose to stay within our own realm. It will take us a step further to becoming well-rounded individuals who can understand people from all walks of life. Ultimately everyone stands to benefit as our newfound awareness gives us a wider lens and enhances our understanding of the world.

    As we learn to engage in conversations with those whose ways are different from our own, it is essential to remember that respect should be the foundation of these conversations. We should view these conversations as learning opportunities instead of challenge debates. An attitude of respect prevents us from creating deeper divides where one group dismisses another group's opinions. Therefore, when exploring relationships with others, practice treating them with consideration and leave your ego at the door.

    Often it is only through diversity that we start to realize what would have otherwise stayed unnoticed. An eclectic mix of perspectives allows us to breathe in fresh air by gifting us with deeper relationships, better problem solving skills, and healthy exchanges of meaningful ideologies. If one wholeheartedly embraces difference and steps out of their comfort zone they will not regret it. There is a certain beauty found in the exchange of knowledge and a greater satisfaction in life when we make conscious attempts to expand our horizons.

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