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  1. I have been dating this guy since May 2023. It started all good and after sometime he became very layed back in responding. He works a full time job, 6am to 6pm, goes to school for his.masters as well, and was recently promoted. I took all that into consideration and was very understanding about his time and availability. But then on weekends when he is chanced, he will say he is busy with church activities 🙄, ans I'll barely see him. He doesn't make time for any dates and always complain of being busy. Even when we make.plans, he always ends up canceling. I have addressed this issue so many times and he kept saying he would work on it but never does. We barely see each other as people in a relationship. He will apologize and tell me to not give up on him, but then would not do anything to improve. I got fed up when he will want me to go to my own place or leave his apartment anytime he wants to go to work in the morning. The last straw was when sometime in January I asked him if he could pick.me up from the airport, he agreed. But hours to the time I was arriving, he sends me a text saying he will be at church around that time and if I could find someone else to pick me up, whereas I had told.him about my itinerary 2days prior and he said he would.pick me up. After I saw his text, I knew this is it, I'm done. I got so angry and didn't reply his.message, and he hasn't bothered to call me or text or check since then. So he hasn't texted me back for 3 months now. I feel so hurt and disrespected and I am thinking of reaching out to him for closure. But I'm not sure if that is necessary or if I overreacted in the first place. Please I need advice. Thank you
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