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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Ready To Take The Leap? Navigating Gender Roles to Propose to Your Boyfriend

    Proposing to your boyfriend is a major milestone in your relationship. But while it can be one of the most exciting things you do together, it's also important to take time to think through the implications and consequences of such a commitment. If you're a woman considering whether or not you should propose to your man, there's likely a lot for you to consider around traditional gender roles, what it would mean for each of you to take such a big step forward and the potential longterm implications of taking this leap.

    It’s understandable that you might be feeling a bit anxious about proposing as it’s not necessarily something that is always socially accepted, especially when the woman initiates the proposal. There may be some people in your life who believe that women should always wait to be proposed to by their partner, but this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. In our modern world and ever-evolving cultural standards and norms, proposing simply comes down to whichever partner feels the boldest and has the confidence to take a risk.

    Given that proposing could potentially disrupt conventional relationships between men and women, it’s important to spend some time considering how your proposal will affect your relationship down the line. Thinking about how your gender roles will shift in a marriage after you pop the question is essential—will you both still expect the same things from your marriage? Will you both be comfortable with your new dynamic? Are you ready for the reality of no longer being a “couple”, but a “family”?

    If you’ve thought through these questions and feel excited and secure to move forward, then it’s time to start planning. Choose a special, meaningful place to pop the question, perhaps somewhere the two of you have always loved, whether it’s inside the house, at the beach or in a nearby park. Prepare a speech to express your feelings and why you’d like to make this next step towards spending a lifetime together. Most importantly, during the proposal, listen to and respect his feelings. Even if he breaks down emotionally or needs time to think it over, make sure to tell him you’re there for him, no matter what.

    For couples ready to take that big leap, don't underestimate the importance of understanding traditional gender roles and navigating them thoughtfully. Although proposing to your significant other doesn't necessarily have to follow the status quo, in order for it to be really successful, you'll want to make sure it works for both of you. Start by considering some of the longer-term implications of proposing to your partner, and make sure to create a special moment that works for you both. proposing should be a beautiful thing that both of you will cherish forever.

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