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    Poll Reveals Common Relationship Problems for Those with ADHD

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect not only the individual with the diagnosis, but also their romantic relationships. In a recent poll conducted by ADDitude Magazine, readers with ADHD were asked about the common relationship problems they face. The results revealed several issues that can cause strain on the relationship.

    One of the most commonly reported problems was forgetfulness or disorganization, which can lead to missed appointments, forgotten tasks, and a lack of follow-through. This can create frustration and resentment in the partner, who may feel like they are constantly picking up the slack. Another common issue reported by respondents was distractibility, which can make it difficult to maintain focus during conversations or activities. This can make the partner feel like they are not being heard or valued.

    Impulsivity was also reported as a significant issue, with respondents noting that they may act without thinking, leading to misunderstandings or even conflict in the relationship. Procrastination and time management issues were also cited as common problems, with many respondents feeling like they were always running behind or not able to keep up with the demands of daily life.

    Finally, hyperactivity was mentioned as a challenge for some respondents, with partners feeling overwhelmed or exhausted by their loved one's constant movement and activity. While these issues can be difficult to navigate, the poll also revealed that communication and empathy can go a long way in improving relationships affected by ADHD. Respondents noted that their partners who took the time to understand their symptoms and work collaboratively on solutions were better able to navigate the challenges of their relationship.

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