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    Navigating Love Bombing in Relationships

    When it comes to healthy relationships, love bombing should never be part of the equation. Love bombing is a form of manipulation and it can lead to emotional abuse. Unfortunately, many individuals are not aware that the intensive attention and affection they receive from someone else may actually be masking ulterior motives. Knowing what love bombing is and how to identify it can help you protect yourself from its damaging effects.

    What is Love Bombing?

    Love bombing is the practice of someone giving a person too much attention right away- often in an effort to sweep them off their feet and make them fall in love with them. This tactic is usually employed by someone who wants to control or manipulate their partner and get something they want out of the relationship. It often includes behaviors like excessive praise, intense flattery, overwhelming compliments, and over-the-top declarations of adoration. The individual in question might shower their partner with gifts, expensive trips, or other lavish surprises.

    Love bombing does not necessarily involve a romantic partner, as it can occur in any kind of relationship- between friends, family members, coworkers, etc. In such cases, the goal is typically to control, exploit, dominate, or otherwise exert power over the other person.

    Signs that You are Being Love Bombed

    The biggest thing to watch out for in terms of love bombing is an imbalance in the level of attention. If one person is going way overboard in terms of doting on the other, it’s likely they are trying to manipulate or control them in some way. Other signs include:

    ● Constant contact and communication: You hear from them constantly and you rarely have time apart. They text, call, email, leave notes, or otherwise find ways to stay connected to you.

    ● Idealization: They often put you on a pedestal. They think everything you do is amazing and they compare you with other people around them.

    ● Lack of boundaries: They have difficulty understanding or respecting your boundaries. They want to spend every waking moment with you and may attempt to guilt trip or persuade you into spending more time with them than you are comfortable with.

    ● Favors: They expect you to do favors for them without expecting anything in return. They might also expect you to drop everything for them when they need something.

    ● Trying to control you: They may attempt to control your thoughts, beliefs, clothing, behavior, or decisions.

    How to Handle Love Bombing

    If you find yourself in a situation where you are being love bombed, it’s important to remember that you have the right to say no. Do not allow someone else to tell you what to do- or make you feel guilty if you don’t do what they want.

    It is also important to be aware of your own emotional state during this time. Be honest with yourself about your feelings and recognize if you are feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable.

    It is also essential to set healthy boundaries and establish clear expectations with the person who is love bombing you. Be direct and let them know what actions won’t be tolerated. If they are unwilling or unable comply with your requests, then it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

    Finally, don’t be afraid to seek help if you feel like you cannot handle the situation on your own. Talk to a friend or family member you trust, or reach out to a mental health professional for guidance.

    Love bombing can be an incredibly damaging experience. Being aware of the warning signs and having the tools to handle it appropriately will help protect you from further harm. Understanding love bombing is the first step to recognizing it when it occurs and taking the necessary steps to protect yourself.

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