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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    How can you set healthy boundaries with your partner?

    Having a healthy and meaningful relationship between partners involves essential trust and intimacy. Establishing clear boundaries can help each partner feel secure in the relationship without limiting freedom. By setting healthy boundaries, partners can build strong relationships not only with each other but with themselves as well.

    Love is a two-way street where both partners need to be emotionally available, honest and communicative. Unfortunately, it can be easy to cross or blur lines when emotions run high. In such moments, it is best to recognize what each partner's needs are, develop respect for each other's individual desires, and learn how to work together to draw a line between them.

    One of the first steps for setting healthy boundaries is to understand that nobody can be completely selfless in a relationship; each partner needs to take care of him or herself first. This means creating a space that allows for positive growth and independence, while still engaging in a committed and loving relationship that is based on mutual respect and trust.

    Being able to take ownership and practice compassion is especially important during moments of misunderstanding or distress. No matter how wronged or hurt either partner may be feeling, the underlying goal should always be to work together towards a resolution. Each partner should actively listen, initiate honest conversations, validate each other's feelings, and strive for a balance where both of their needs are met.

    It also helps to know your own triggers and find strategies to cope with them. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Once you are aware of personal triggers, it is important to dispel judgement and take a mindful approach to checking in with yourself. Practicing healthy coping mechanisms is key to prevent emotional reactivity. It is beneficial to build a safety net by relying on self-care and supportive friends to assist in difficult conversations with your partner.

    Learning how to handle conflict can go a long way in setting healthy boundaries. When arguing, it is essential to focus on the problem instead of attacking the person. One way to do this is to shift the attitude from blaming your partner to looking at what needs to be done next. To retain emotional quiescence, take a break when needed and come back to the conversation with a plan or a solution.

    Setting healthy boundaries is an ongoing process between partners. Since relationships can be complex, they are constantly evolving and require patience, understanding and communication. With an open dialogue and a willingness to accept vulnerability, healthy boundaries can be set that can bring partners closer together and strengthen their bond.

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