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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Dealing with Missing Physical Contact in Relationships

    How can I deal with missing physical contact in my relationships?

    When it comes to relationships, there is nothing quite like the assurance of physical contact. Whether it's a hug, a simple pat on the back, or a passionate kiss, there really is nothing like feeling that someone close to you cares enough to make physical contact. But what happens if physical contact is missing? How can you cope when there is a lack of physical connection between you and your loved one?

    The truth is, physical contact is an important part of any relationship. It can be reassuring, comforting, and intimate. We are affectionate creatures – we crave physical contact from those who mean the most to us. When this connection is missing, it can leave us feeling vulnerable, lonely, and even anxious. So how can you handle this?

    First and foremost, it's important to communicate your feelings to your partner. Explain to them why you're feeling the way you do about the lack of physical contact. Discuss strategies to make both of you feel connected, even when you're apart. See if there's anything your partner can do to help you feel more connected and supported. Remember – communication is key!

    If you truly crave that physical contact, then you might want to look at other ways to get it. Reach out to friends and family and arrange for socially distanced meet-ups. Hugging is always an option, although it should be done with caution and respect to the other person's space. Alternatively, spend time with your pet. The comfort and closeness of an animal can be just as comforting as a hug from a loved one.

    Think about doing something for yourself. Give yourself a hug, take a warm bath, light some candles, or do yoga. Self-care is incredibly important and can do wonders for both your mental and physical health.

    Lack of physical contact can be hard, especially in relationships. But with effective communication and some self-care, it can be easier to cope. Take the time to talk to your partner about the issue and come up with solutions that work for both of you. And most importantly – don't forget to nurture yourself, too.

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