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    10 Things Confident People Never Do in Relationships

    Relationships, whether romantic or platonic, are critical in our lives. However, having a good, strong relationship is not always easy. People who have developed confidence, who truly trust themselves and their opinions, and who understand who they are understand that it takes work. That's because there are things that confident people never do in relationships. Here are 10 of the most important ones.

    1. Hold on Unnecessarily: One of the common traits of a confident partner is their ability to let go without any feeling of regret. If something isn't working out the way they had hoped—even if they have been putting a lot of effort into it—they will release it gracefully and move on with confidence, knowing that something new can come and fill its place. They don't cling to an unsustainable, dysfunctional relationship for fear of being alone or for fear of starting over.

    2. Put Up With Unhealthy Dynamics: Part of being confident is realizing that certain dynamics are just not acceptable. That's why confident people won't tolerate disrespectful behavior—from their partner or from anyone else in their lives—if it makes them feel uncomfortable. People who have developed self-confidence know their worth, and they won't allow anyone to take advantage of them.

    3. Stay In Unhappy Situations: Confident people embrace change and understand when it's time to move on. They recognize that they deserve to be in a relationship that brings out the best in them, so they are willing to leave when the situation isn't right. Rather than staying in a toxic situation just because they're trying to avoid feeling lonely or because they're scared of being single, they walk away and pursue something that will bring them more joy.

    4. Stay Silently Resentful: Many people tend to stay quiet and cage up their feelings whenever conflict arises in a relationship, but not confident people. They understand that communication is key and that expressing their feelings openly and honestly is a sign of maturity. Confident people recognize that petty fights are part of any relationship and are not afraid to discuss their needs and expectations. They don't let resentments and fairytale fantasies build up until it becomes too unbearable; instead, they have the courage to be honest and vulnerable.

    5. Deviate From Their Values: Confident people also have a clear understanding of their values, and they don't bend or stretch those values to fit another person’s mold. Even if in an intense moment of anger or confusion they may slip up and lose their serenity, when they are grounded in their core beliefs, they can more easily align with their partner’s. It is easier to create a strong bond when two people share similar values.

    6. Isolate Themselves: Self-assured people don’t shut themselves away from the world inside of a relationship. Rather, they allow their individual needs to be met as well as their partner’s needs. They remain open to new experiences and continue to nurture friendships, even if it means spending some extra time apart from their partner. They don't place all their eggs in one basket and don't allow their relationship to overshadow all other things in their life.

    7. Lose Sight Of Priorities: Self-confident people are conscious of their own priorities, and they make sure that those don't get shuffled aside each time their partner has a request. They understand it's not always possible to make everybody happy, but they also know where their boundaries lie and, if necessary, stand firmly by them. Consequently, sensitive issues, such as chores, career ambitions, and communication styles, are resolved before they become a problem.

    8. Make Someone Else Responsible For Their Happiness: Self-assured partners understand that only they are responsible for their own happiness. They know that placing unrealistic expectations on their partner and expecting them to fulfill that is actually a form of control. The more confident the partner, the less control invovles in the relationship, as the partner trusts that their partner is capable of taking care of themselves.

    9. Avoid Similar But Healthy Relationship: Confident people don’t stay in unfulfilling and abusive relationships for fear of not finding a better one. Instead, they look for healthy relationships and don't try comparing or ranking experiences to measure their success. They are willing to explore other options and try to gain the most insight from each experience.

    10. Lead the Relationships With Fear: Confident people lead the relationship with strength and communicate clearly and calmly. They stay away from mind games or manipulation that can lead to patterns of control and domination. They instead lead with confidence and respect, assuming that they have an equal say in the relationship and that their partner will accept what they have to say.

    Confident people have healthy relationships that are based on mutual respect, freedom and independence. Although relationships might require compromise and adjustment, having a well-balanced relationship that empowers both parties is the key to a successful, long-lasting partnership.

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