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    When Life Feels Out of Control, Focus on Yourself

    Life can be unpredictable and chaotic. We often feel out of control when faced with challenging situations. We may be overwhelmed by emotions such as fear, anger, or sadness. Times of uncertainty can make us feel helpless and vulnerable. If you find yourself in this position, focusing on what you can control can be a helpful way to gain a sense of safety and order.

    It can be difficult to stay present in unpleasant situations. It is also understandable to be drawn towards distractions such as scrolling through social media or engaging in activities that provide an escape. It is okay to reach out for support and take some time away from the anxiety-producing situation. However, it is important to recognize when these tactics have become more of an avoidance coping technique than a meaningful distraction.

    Focus your attention back on yourself. Ask yourself what steps can you take towards healing and self-reflection. Mindful living is a form of therapy that involves attuning to your inner experience in order to gain insight into how you feel, think, and organize your life. It is also beneficial to anchor yourself in the present moment and appreciate the surrounding environment. Even though we are all connected, each person’s journey is unique. There is no need to compare your path with others’.

    Acknowledge how you feel in moments of crisis. You may want to ask yourself, “What ideas and beliefs am I holding onto that are creating this discomfort?” Once you are aware of your thoughts, practice self-compassion and love. People are more resilient when they have someone to lean on during hard times. Find comforting activities that connect you to yourself, such as journalling, reading, or going outdoors.

    Developing skills to accept yourself and others can help you move towards feeling safe and in control. Remind yourself of moments where you showed courage and resilience. Remember that it is normal to have difficult days. Rather than dwelling on the mistakes you made, evaluate what lessons can be learned and what strengths you possessed during those experiences.

    Take initiative towards making meaningful changes without pushing yourself too hard. Your current situation does not define who you are. It is also necessary to appreciate the things in life that bring you joy and peace. Even if there are still elements that are out of your control, focusing on what you can give your energy to can help you lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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