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  • kamurj

    The Power Of Positive Thinking: Unveiling The Neuroscience Of Optimism

    Optimism is a powerful thing, and its ability to influence our lives has been studied by psychologists and neuroscientists alike. Despite the difficulties our modern world may have created, optimists are resilient and more likely to find success in their lives. This article will take a look at the neuroscience of optimism and spotlight the science behind why staying positive is essential.

    When we think of happiness and positive thinking, the word "neuroscience" may not come immediately to mind. However, leading neuroscientists worldwide have studied the effects of positive thinking on the brain for decades. They have identified two key areas in the brain that are impacted when we are in a state of positive thinking or “happiness”. These areas are the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.

    The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is responsible for rationale, problem solving and decision making. Studies have found that those with a highly developed DLPFC are twice as likely to achieve and maintain happiness due to their decision making skills and ability to stay grounded and rational. Similarly, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex has been found to be responsible for our perspective and outlook on life. Those with a higher VLPFC score have been found to have an increased resilience to stressful situations and an overall more positive outlook on life.

    Optimism however, goes beyond just developing a certain part of the brain. Those with a more cheerful disposition are more likely to have a healthier lifestyle overall. Optimists tend to practice self-care and invest in healthy activities like exercise and nutrition. They usually have better social relationships and a more robust support system; this, in turn, helps to increase self-confidence. As optimists are more likely to be happy, they are likely to make more productive decisions, improving their characteristics that serve them well in any career or job field.

    Positive feelings and thoughts also release dopamine, a hormone that is released as a reaction to pleasure from any type of activity. Activities or experiences that we enjoy, such as exercising, doing something creative, or spending time with others, trigger the release of dopamine. When we experience these positive emotions, feel contentment, relaxation, and pleasure, the result can be significantly higher activity levels and improved concentration.

    Optimism has been linked to improved memory and awareness, and even improved heart health. Laughing and having a good time have also been shown to improve nerve cell communication, aiding in the healing process and increasing consciousness. It even has a physiological effect and has been linked to better sleep, improved immune system, and increased healing time.

    Perhaps one of the greatest gifts of optimism is the effect it has on our mental health, helping us during difficult times. Studies suggest that those who can remain hopeful and look at the brighter side of a situation, have better cognitive performance and stress resilience. Not only that, but having an optimistic outlook can also lower cortisol levels, which can reduce depression and fatigue.

    It is clear that the power of positive thinking cannot be underestimated; it is a tool of immense benefit and potential. While maintaining a positive outlook on life can be difficult, understanding the science behind it can help us to remain hopeful and hopefulness is essentially the key to true success and success in life.

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