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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    The Power of an Introvert Boss: A Tribute to the Badass Who Gave My Life Meaning and Purpose

    It was February 2015 when I walked into The Kitchen Place for the first time. It wasn't technically my first job; I'd been an intern for a few months earlier in the year. But, it was the first job I had where my introverted boss, "AJ", would be both my direct supervisor and quickly become my closest friend.

    At first glance, you wouldn't have thought AJ was a badass. He was in his late 30s and had a scruffy beard, skinny jeans and a stained t-shirt every day. His eyes were hidden behind thick-rimmed glasses and a deep frown. He kept to himself, kept the kitchen organized and knew everyone's order in a way that was slightly intimidating.

    I knew he was an introvert and that made me feel better. I thought of him as a kindred spirit, someone who also had trouble socializing and sometimes felt overwhelmed by the unknown. Like me, AJ had quit his job in the corporate world and taken a huge risk to start this business.

    One day, during a lull in the lunch-rush, I showed AJ what I'd been working on – a project that I was passionate about. My eyes shone with excitement as I shared with him how I wanted to make a difference in the world through my work. AJ pushed his glasses up to peer over them at me. "That's really cool," he said, simply.

    For the next few hours I was terrified that AJ somehow found out I wasn't fit for the job, but something strange and unexpected happened. We talked about our lives and what gives it meaning and purpose. For the first time I was sharing with someone who truly accepted and understood me.

    Days passed, and I started to see AJ in a different light. He was like a mentor and a father-figure to me. He was there to listen and to give me advice, to celebrate successes and commiserate losses. AJ often only used a few words, but those words were well-chosen and impactful. When I made a mistake, he often stepped in to fix it, but he did so in a firm yet gentle way.

    Soon I learned that AJ wasn't just a badass in terms of his career, but he was also a badass in his relationships. Whenever we talked, he was always busy, but he made time for me. He was kind and compassionate towards people, regardless of their social status. He genuinely tried to help his employees – no matter who they were or what their personal struggles were.

    AJ taught me that compromise isn't always necessary, and that being yourself is always the best approach. He showed me what true humility looks like. But, more than anything, he showed me that being an introvert doesn't make you weak – it makes you strong.

    Most importantly, he taught me the power of genuine friendship – something that I don't think I ever knew before knowing AJ. He became more than a boss to me, he became a friend. It's because of him that I'm passionate about helping others find their true selves.

    At the root of it all, AJ has given my life meaning and purpose. I'm forever grateful for this badass introvert boss turned friend, who showed me a whole new way of looking at life.

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