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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Cultivating Strength of Spirit: How Hard Work and Optimism Paves the Way to Success

    While it may appear as though some people are just naturally wired to have a level of strength and resilience that propels them through turbulent moments, in reality, such traits aren’t necessarily something one is born with – more often than not, these characteristics are cultivated over time through hard work, dedication and an unshakable spirit of optimism. Even in darkness, these individuals still come out shining because they have created an environment within themselves which believes that success is achievable no matter what.

    This certainly isn’t easy. The process of honing and refining one’s character and unleashing the warrior within is one that requires constant effort and attention. When life throws curveballs or unexpected events occur, it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and helpless, but it’s important to remember that with discipline and determination, anything can be conquered. You don’t need fancy tools or resources to develop self-improvement. Most of the time, it’s all in your head.

    Rather than succumb to discouragement, those who constantly strive for success find ways to use their negative experiences as learning opportunities and to help propel themselves onto the path of success. Just like a caterpillar, who crawls and flutters until he eventually emerges as a butterfly, so too does an individual who keeps faith even when times are dark often transition into a person of greatness and triumph. By believing in yourself and always finding a way to push forward even when you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, you are developing a strong sense of perseverance and inner power.

    Transformation occurs day by day -- and the journey only starts when you decide that it’s time to start changing and reclaiming your own narrative. Think of meditation and mindfulness as a gateway to altering mental patterns. Taking breaks and pausing to be present will help you become aware of thought cycles and postures which you can then retrain for a healthier, calmer, and more positive mindset. Reframing and redirecting certain stories which you tell yourself will also have a massive impact and can alter behaviours going forward.

    Stepping away from traditional responses to pain, hurt and disappointment also leads to enduring inner strength and better coping mechanisms. Don’t let your circumstances govern how you react. Instead, think of solutions that can help transform the situation into something better. Engage with others, seek help, strengthen yourself and the only walls you build should be those that protect you.

    If you are in need of guidance, look to others who appear to be ahead of you and on the path to finding their success. Observe their actions, note their reactions and do what feels right for you. When making decisions, be confident in the choices that you make. Be conscious of your daily activities and be mindful of any behaviours or functions that do not serve you.

    Above all else, remember that the journey of cultivating inner strength and growth is a never-ending endeavor, ever-transforming - but within reach for those who put their minds to it. Believe in yourself and have faith in the struggle. The future will take care of itself and the rewards of dealing with obstacles proactively will be countless.

    From here on out, keep fighting the good fight, never give up and continue to put in the hard work – because you will no doubt reap the rewards.

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