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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    A Slingshot Toward the Boundries of Your Comfort Zone

    Do you feel frustrated in your current situation? Are you looking for a way to take a big step forward, but don’t know where to begin? Trying something different can be intimidating, especially if it takes you out of your comfort zone. But those who try something new are often rewarded with an expanded sense of possibility and renewed energy.

    Sometimes it’s hard to see that small steps can lead to changes that result in major accomplishments. But it’s true! One interesting idea starts small and can eventually lead to a huge leap forward. Consider the principle of a slingshot. Inside the plastic toy is potential energy, coaxed through a process of pulling back, gathering tension and then releasing with force. Try this analogy on for size. Take the amount of effort you currently put into whatever activity you’re engaged in, pull back and instead invest that effort in something else. This redirection builds up tension, causing you to stretch and be uncomfortable— but also increases momentum and propels you to a new level.

    The initial action of redirecting energy may feel like an abrupt change. Perhaps you’ll be fearful as you step out of your comfort zone and try something new. It is ok to be scared and to feel some discomfort. Remember, you don’t have to dive into anything too risky; just start out at the level you are most comfortable with. Do something that feels slightly unfamiliar, such as enrolling in a class, pursuing a part-time job, or even writing a blog post. This could lead you down a path of greater challenges, or perhaps not. Either way, you’ll be able to assess whether or not this new direction is right for you by giving it a try.

    In the end, it really isn’t so much about where you arrive at.More important is the journey itself. Risk and challenge yourself by bringing to the fore underlying talents and abilities you may never have even known you had. You never know, you might find ways to use them in many different directions. Taking that first step can be an act of faith. Have faith that it’s the right thing to do and commit to do what it takes to get there.

    Risk-taking is not easy. It can bring anxiety and even fear. However, it does not have to be a frightening prospect. Focusing on the goal rather than the fear can be a great motivator. Prepare by doinga lot of research on the topic if you can, getting help from mentors if need be, and creating a plan of action. Then decide the level at which you’d like to plunge. Scout out some more reasonable alternative plans if things don’t go as expected. Keep in mind that failure is ok. It’s part of the learning process and as long as you don’t give up, success eventually comes.

    Follow the outline below to create your own “slingshot adventure”:

    1. Find your personal starting point: What areas of your life do you want to change or improve?

    2. List all possible options: You may be surprised what alternatives you can come up with.

    3. Get creative: Don’t be afraid to come up with ideas that seem odd or unconventional.

    4. Get feedback: Ask friends, family and professionals whose opinion you trust for input.

    5. Assess the risks: Evaluate what might happen if things don’t go as planned.

    6. Plan and take action: Create a timeline of milestones, and set clear goals.

    7. Monitor your progress: Be flexible and adjust your plan as needed.

    8. Celebrate success: Acknowledge both big and small achievements to stay motivated.

    Gaining a new perspective and stretching yourself can be energizing and empowering. There’s no better time than now to explore your own possibilities and propel yourself toward the boundaries of your comfort zone. As far as the outcome? Leave that to the wind. Who knows what might happen?

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