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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    How Can I Turn My Life Around If I Feel Hopeless and Unmotivated?

    Dear eNotAlone: John is 23 years old and he is feeling overwhelmed with life's current demands. He attended college, but quickly realized university classes weren't offering the financial security he was hoping for. Now, John works at a dead-end job that offers no opportunity for growth. He is struggling to pay rent and save some money for the future. On top of that, he has never been able to find a meaningful relationship or even a friend. With all the stress, John has begun to feel hopeless, like life will never get better.

    * * *

    John is in a difficult position, but it's not an entirely hopeless one. College may not have been the immediate path to financial security he was expecting, but it still opened up some important opportunities and can make a major difference in his life moving forward. The first thing John should do is take some time to reassess his situation. He should ask himself questions like: What is my passion? What are my skills? What am I interested in doing for a living? It could be something related to his college degree, or it could be something entirely different.

    John should also think about what kind of person he wants to be. What values does he want to stand for? No matter what career direction he chooses, he can use the idea of a personal mission statement to help motivate him towards making decisions he can be proud of. It's okay to make mistakes and take risks - sometimes that's what it takes to find true success. John should remember that he will learn something from every experience, and developing an optimistic attitude can really help him turn his current circumstances around.

    On a practical level, John should look into ways to make more money, even if it's just on the side. There are countless freelance and part-time opportunities out there that can bring in some extra cash. He could even try freelancing or working within the industry of his degree, even if it's just a few hours a week.

    Finding the right people can also make a huge difference in John's outlook. Having supportive friends and mentors who understand and can point him in the right direction can help him stay motivated. John should consider joining clubs or groups related to his interests. He could also attend local events or meetups to introduce himself to other people in his field.

    With the right attitude, anything is possible for John. He should channel his energy into finding something he's passionate about, and actively seek out advice and support. From there, he can take steps towards creating the life he wants.

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