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    Five Phrases to Avoid in a Six-Figure Job Interview

    Securing a role with a six-figure salary is not something that comes easily, and you’ll need the help of the perfect job interview to make a good impression. In order to increase your chances of success, it can be essential to know exactly which phrases to avoid in the conversation. By understanding some of the things that recruiters don’t want to hear, you can become more confident in both the questions that you ask and how you respond. Here are five phrases to avoid when in a six-figure job interview.

    1. “I can’t think of anything right now”

    When it comes to keeping your interviewer impressed, the last thing you want to do is come off as unengaged and unprepared. Even if you truly can’t think of a response to a question, it’s better to show a degree of engagement by saying something like, “That’s a great question and I’m thinking carefully about how I can answer” or “I can’t immediately come up with an answer for that, but I will give it some thought.”

    2. “I’ve never done that before”

    When talking about prior experiences, it’s best to avoid stating that there’s something new that you’ve never attempted before. Instead, use phrases like “I’m excited to learn”, “That’s something I’ll appreciate the chance to explore” or “I’m looking forward to the challenge” to show that you’re open and willing to develop your skillset even further.

    3. “It’s too hard”

    When evaluating the difficulty of an task, it’s important to stay away from language that suggests the project is impossible. It’s better to demonstrate a sense of determination and enthusiasm by saying something like “That’s a great task and I’m sure I’ll be able to manage it”, “It’s a big undertaking but one that I’m looking forward to dedicating my time to” or “I’m sure I can exceed expectations with that assignment.”

    4. “I don’t care who I report to”

    When hired for a role with a six-figure salary, it’s expected that you show a degree of commitment and interest to the challenge. Even if you don’t personally know the individuals you’ll report to, it’s best to express enthusiasm about the prospect of learning from them and how you feel that you can benefit from the experience.

    5. “I don’t know”

    Although being honest is essential in a job interview, it’s important to not appear too flippant with your responses. Reflecting why you don’t know the answer can offer insight into your thought process, so ensure that you provide additional information or come up with a potential solution. As six-figure jobs typically come with a great deal of responsibility, you’ll need to demonstrate that you can think on your feet.

    The words that you choose in an interview can impact the outcome of your candidacy in both positive and negative ways. A confident yet competent attitude can go a long way, so always take the time to understand a recruiter’s expectations and avoid any phrases that could be misinterpreted as unserious, lazy or naïve. Having a full appreciation of the sensitivity of each phrase can ensure that you don’t inadvertently sabotage your own success.

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