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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Achieving Successful Negotiations as a Woman

    Women face unique challenges when negotiating, as they seek to balance the desire to succeed while also avoiding social backlash. There are a number of strategies that women can use in order to maximize their chances of succeeding, while mitigating the risk of facing backlash. These strategies are a companion to other larger, broader reforms but should not replace them or ignore the broader social implications surrounding successful negotiation.

    One of the most effective strategies that women can use when negotiating is to build relationships and create trust. Trust forms the foundation for successful negotiation, and women need to build trust with the people they are negotiating with in order to achieve a good outcome from the process. This means women should look to research the other party involved in the negotiation to gain an understanding of their interests, so their actions can be tailored towards satisfying those interests.

    Another strategy for women to consider is to stay focused on business-related matters rather than expressing personal feelings during negotiation. Women are often seen as too emotional and risk suffering social backlash if they express personal opinions during a negotiation, which can even distort the discussion and reframe it as a personal issue. By staying focused on facts and figures and addressing the economic needs of both parties, women can carefully guide the negotiation to an agreement that both sides would accept.

    Women should also create win-win situations in order to ensure an equitable outcome for all parties involved. This means looking for shared values and interests between the two parties, and leveraging those points to create a situation where both sides get something of value out of the negotiation. By recognizing the needs of both parties, women can reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial, giving both individuals a lasting relationship built on mutual trust and respect.

    Finally, another strategy used by women during negotiation is to practice self-advocacy. This means that women need to be able to advocate for their own interests during a negotiation, without feeling guilty about doing so. They need to articulate their need for respect and fairness in the negotiation process, and be willing to stand up for what is right without being afraid of the potential consequences. This helps them come to an agreement that works for everyone, and strengthens their position going forward.

    Negotiation strategies are important tools for women to successfully reach an agreement, but this should not take the place of more systemic reforms that address issues of inequity. Women should look to use their negotiation strategies in tandem with larger reform efforts to ensure that they are able to protect their interests while creating equitable outcomes for everyone involved.

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