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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    6 Signs You Should Resign From Your Job

    It happens to the best of us – you are working in a job you once enjoyed and took great pride in, however, now it has become something that's holding you back rather than pushing you forward. It is going to be hard to part ways, but when the time comes, there are several signs to watch out for that suggest it's time to tender your resignation.

    Sometimes the signs can be subtle and easily missed, while other times, they are more obvious and easier to recognize. No matter how loud or quiet they may be, recognizing these indicators is important if you want to avoid holding yourself back as you move forward with your life and career. The following are all sure signs that it's time for you to resign from your job:

    1. You don't see a future in the job – When you first accepted the position, it was full of promise and potential, however, now it seems to lack any kind of reward or incentive for progressing or growing in it. You can no longer look down the line at what may come next, so it's safe to assume that it doesn't have anything for you in terms of long-term prospects.

    2. Your values have changed – Whether culturally or politically, when it comes to your place of work, if your core values no longer align with those of the organization, it might be time to think about resigning and finding a job that is more closely in alignment with your beliefs.

    3. The job is making you ill – If the stress and strain of your job is negatively affecting your wellbeing both mentally and physically, and causing you to feel ill frequently, then you need to seriously consider taking a break or leaving the organisation. You cannot put your health second to a job; it should always come first.

    4. Your job security is no longer guaranteed – No one expects to be in the same job forever, however if job insecurity has become a real issue and there's a frequent threat of lay-offs or downsizing impacting your job, then you don't need to wait around for further instruction. Start looking for a safer position ASAP and make a plan to transition into it without burning bridges.

    5. Time spent dragging – When starting out, every day was full of enthusiasm and energy and clocks moved quickly, but now you spend hours feeling stifled and like nothing is being achieved. This can be hugely demoralizing, so if the pace of work begins to slow or distract from achieving goals and targets, then it might mean it's time to move on to something more challenging and inspiring.

    6. There's a cultural misfit – The working environment plays an important role in how much enjoyment we can get from our jobs, so if the organizational culture or ethos isn't quite a match for yours then this could be a sign that it's time for a career change.

    7. You no longer enjoy the job – Not everyone is genuinely happy in their roles everyday and sometimes it doesn't take too long before one starts to feel unfulfilled in their current job. Fantastic performances reviews aren't enough when passion and true fulfilment have dried up; sometimes moving on is the only way to reignite that feeling of joy again.

    The decision to resign from any job will not be taken lightly; however, if there are signs that suggest continuing on in the role another day is detrimental to your career progression or personal growth then don't wait until it's too late to make a radical shift. Uprooting your life in order to progress should never be frowned upon; after all, sometimes we have to take a leap of faith in order to reach our goals sooner rather than later.

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