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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Coming to Grips with Unbearable Loss: Dealing with a Break-up

    Parting ways with someone can be an unbearable experience that throws our lives into disarray. When a relationship comes to an end, the emotional upheaval and pain of this sudden loss can take time to unravel. Even when it is the best option for both parties involved, the distress around letting go of somebody we once shared so much with can seem overwhelming. This difficult process of coping with the breakup of a partner becomes even more challenging when the individual is left without the necessary emotional tools to manage their emotions that comes as part of the painful process.

    He had it all before her—a degree from a prestigious college, a burgeoning career, a stable income. And then he met her. Everything changed after that. He felt like his life was suddenly complete, like nothing could stop him from finding happiness in the future. He had never been happier.

    But after years of what seemed like the perfect couple, their bond started to show signs of weakening. Little moments of fragility started to creep in, fissures in the carefully constructed foundation of their relationship. After months of struggling to keep things afloat, they decided to part ways.

    For him, the moment of impending loss was crushing. She had been a significant part of his life for so long–a central support system–he hadn’t factored in the emotional impact of the breakup. In the aftermath, the grieving felt unbearable. There were moments of uncontrollable anger followed by periods of wrenching sadness and depression. He couldn’t think properly or make decisions. Everything was off-kilter.

    There is no easy way to deal with the pain of a lost relationship and many individuals find that there isn't one specific strategy for coming to terms with such a difficult situation. It is essential that individuals who suffer from the anguish of a break-up provide themselves with support and help from those around them. Even if the friends and family members may not always be able to comprehend the immense emotional burden of dealing with the end of a relationship, it is essential that individuals reach out for the support and comfort that those around them can offer.

    Organizations and professionals that specialize in the process of grief, such as therapists or support groups, are also a valuable source of guidance for those trying to cope with a break-up. Working through feelings of sadness, anger and regret in a safe and non-judgmental environment can help individuals process their emotions and come to terms with the loss more effectively. Furthermore, individuals can speak openly to professionals and benefit from the opportunity to objectify their experience and gain an understanding of the cycle of emotions experienced during bereavement.

    Many of us face hard times in our lives and finding the right resources to support ourselves through those very hard moments is essential. When we give ourselves permission to grieve in our own way, we open up the possibility of discovering a newfound peace and strength that was hidden away. Loss and change are inevitable, but no matter how difficult our situation may feel, we can always regain our footing and stand in the light of our strength.

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