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Vaginal exams.

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I hope I'm posting this in the right board. Well, basically. My girlfriend dislikes the idea of a vaginal exam. I extremely dislike the idea - it'd really bother me a lot. However, as far as I'm aware, it's required in order to get the monthly pill? So that pretty much just leaves condoms, which also would bother us a lot (as it is less intimate, etc.). So yeah, just, is there any way I'm missing? Is it possible to obtain the monthly pill without any examinations ever? Or what else can be done?


Thank you in advance, it's really appreciated.

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Its not just something you have to do to get on the pill, its something you should do to ensure that you are in good health. Do you have a female docter who you like? I find that helps. It is kind of uncomfortable, but when its all over, youre okay. Its nothing to fear.

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Well I know it may seem uncomfortable but its not as bad as your think. My sister's built it up to be some horrible thing and I was terrified but I was like "why was I so scared".


If she is uncomfortable she can request having a nurse come and hold her hand through the process. That is what I did. It is slightly easier to deal with it if you there is a woman in the room.


I didn't require one every month. It is once a year for me. And Anggrace is right, it is something good to do for your health as well. If she is every afraid she's going to get cancer, she will need to take a PAP test and if she ever gets pregnant she may need to get one as well.


It is best to get it out of the way. It seriously isn't that terrifying. I was so scared and didn't want to do it. But even I went. Your girlfriend can to!

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I just had my first exam and it was fine! It was really informative and I got the chance to ask the doctor plenty of questions. The actual exam took all of two minutes. Girls are supposed to get theirs once they turn 18 or when they become sexually active. I'm glad I got it done... it's a load off my shoulders.

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It's not that we're terrified or something. Hmm, not sure how to explain exactly. Just, surely stuff like that is private and personal and we want to share it with nobody but each other - not have doctors poking around there or something. Especially not if it's regularly as opposed to once. Is there no way to get the monthly pill without an examination?

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Hi There,


Yes indeed, it's mandatory in order to get a prescription for the pill. But more importantly, it's done to make sure that your girlfriend is healthy and that everything is as it should be down there.


Vaginal exams can detect abnomalities, viruses such as HPV, infections, and abnormal cells that may be the precursor to cancer. It's recommended and important to have an annual vaginal exam for these reasons. Many things that can be detected on vaginal exam are treatable if caught early- but can cause scarring, infertility, or even death if left untreated and undetected.


It would be bad practice for a doctor to randomly prescribe a medication without examining a patient first.


What makes you dislike the idea of her having a vaginal exam?

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It's not that we're terrified or something. Hmm, not sure how to explain exactly. Just, surely stuff like that is private and personal and we want to share it with nobody but each other - not have doctors poking around there or something. Especially not if it's regularly as opposed to once. Is there no way to get the monthly pill without an examination?



Describing a vaginal exam this way means you are in no way ready to be having sex anyway IMO!

There are a million and one reasons why she needs a papsmear other than getting on the pill. Health is a big factor. So I suggest until you both are mature enough to realize pap smears are something that HAS to be done for both of your health then you need to refrain from sex.

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This has to do with a woman's health and NOTHING to do with sex...and it has NOTHING to do with you. A vaginal exam is a MUST for all women and you need to stay out of it and let your girlfriend take care of her health and well-being. I think that if you think you two are mature enough to have sex, then the two of you are certainly mature enough to know about women's health and vaginal exams. Please get a medical book and start reading up on vaginal exams so that you get a better understanding that this has NOTHING to do with sex and some male doctor peaking at her private parts. This is a doctor. If she is uncomfortable with a male doctor, there are female doctors around who can do this. How old are both of you. Are you teenagers and thereforeeee don't want an adult finding out that you are having sex?

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It's not that we're terrified or something. Hmm, not sure how to explain exactly. Just, surely stuff like that is private and personal and we want to share it with nobody but each other - not have doctors poking around there or something. Especially not if it's regularly as opposed to once. Is there no way to get the monthly pill without an examination?


Your girlfriend's health is very important, and is also a matter between her and her doctor.


I am a nurse and trust me when I say there is nothing sexual about a vaginal exam or screen for STI's. It's so important for a woman to have an annual exam to make sure her sexual health is OK and to educate her on safe practice. Her having an exam is not a violation of your relationship. In fact, if you love one another and care about her and your sexual health, you would be promoting and encouraging an exam, vs. trying to get around it. Don't you want your girlfriend to be healthy?


You are not likely to find a doctor who will just hand out the pill without an exam. It's not safe and it's bad practice.

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Well, what does it involve exactly?


The doctor will have your gf lie back on the bed thingy and put her feet up in stirrups.

He then will insert a speculum (sp?) and swab her with a big qtip looking thing and possibly examine her under a microscope looking thing.

It's really nothing and is really important. The first time I had one done I was pregnant and was so terrified but afterwards I felt like a coward for being so afraid of something so minor. Now I have to deal with HPV screenings every 3 months because I didn't have regular paps liek I should have, and let me tell you something THEY are uncomfortable.

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Well, what does it involve exactly?


She will have her vital signs checked.


She will have a breast exam where the doctor palpates her breasts for lumps.


Then she willl lie on a table with her legs open and in stirrups. The doctor will insert a plastic device called a speculum which will open up her vaginal canal and allow the doctor to visually examine her cervix for abnormalites. They will use a small light to visualize the structures. The doctor will insert a few swabs and swab some cells from her vagina and cervix to examine under the microscope for abnormal cells.


Then the doctor will remove the speculum and insert a finger into her vagina, and with the other hand palpate her lower abdomen. The doctor will palpate her cervix and vaginal canal for abnormal placement or structures on the cervix, and uterus.


The entire procedure takes about 5 minutes.

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I hope I'm posting this in the right board. Well, basically. My girlfriend dislikes the idea of a vaginal exam. I extremely dislike the idea - it'd really bother me a lot. However, as far as I'm aware, it's required in order to get the monthly pill? So that pretty much just leaves condoms, which also would bother us a lot (as it is less intimate, etc.). So yeah, just, is there any way I'm missing? Is it possible to obtain the monthly pill without any examinations ever? Or what else can be done?


Thank you in advance, it's really appreciated.


Uh....I don't know one woman who likes the idea of vaginal exams.


I also dislike going to the dentist or the idea of having a cavity filled...but it has to be done. (The dentist is way worse than a pap smear, I promise)


Listen to Hope. That's all they do. In my experience, it's always been very professional. Sometimes too professional. Like when they check your breasts for lumps (or your girlfriends), they act like "so...how's the weather" just to make sure you're super comfortable.


It is really, really quick. It's nothing for her to be avoiding...it's always going to be a little uncomfortable, but that's all part of being a grown-up, right?


Good job on getting contraception by the way.

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Don't you want your girfriend to be healthy? Pap exams have to be done. It's nothing compared to diseases a woman might have because she was afraid to do the pap test and did not detect anything early. There is nothing to worry about. Gynecologists are regular doctors, just like an eye doctor. To them it doesn't matter what part of the body they examine. There is nothing sexual about it.

I was freaking out about having a pap test done, but didn't feel a thing.


If you two are old enough to have sex, you are old enough to get the pills the proper way. Also if you are going to have sex without condoms, you are going to have to be tested too. You don't want your girl to catch something from you, do you?

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People may get mad at me for saying this but if you live in the United States, you can get birth control without an exam at Planned Parenthood. They will give you a one year prescription but after that year you HAVE to have an exam, they will not renew it without it. Maybe after a year you will be more comfortable with the idea of an exam. I did it because I am in college and could not get home to go to my gyno and I don't use BC for sex just for cramps. It is however important to get regular check ups if you are sexually active.

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A doctor can give you birth control without a checkup (I've had that), however, it was done on the contigency that I would be coming in very soon for a full checkup. A doctor is likely to do this if she is not sexually active (I wasn't at the time, I just asked for birth control pills for a different reason, really long story).


However, if you and your gf are sexually active, she NEEDS to have everything checked out. that is very important. if she is sick, they can catch diseases early. pretty much the same reason that you go to the dentist twice a year, because it's easier to fix something minor then, rather then not going to the dentist for 5 years, and then finding out you need 3 root canals!


Seriously, getting a pap smear and all that is NO MORE SEXUAL than going to the dentist.

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