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Looks like im back on the market people. I told u the ex told me she is going out with someone else, which at first hurt like hell. But ive weathered that and in a way feel like it has actually helped me, theres no going back now..shes on holiday with him now..


On Sunday I saw her parents and told them I can't stay friends with them at the moment. As they were making contact with me on the weekend and I didn't feel happy with this.. they respected my decision..


I know they will tell her when she gets back that I don't want contact with any of them for a while..but do u think I should explain the situation to her when she gets back?? As before she went she said will speak 2 u when I get back!! Just feel I would like to explain my decision to her..or should I just leave it and let her think whatever she wants!!

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I think SwingFox is right and let it go. I would normally tell you to do what makes you happy. In this case you should hold out. Let her think what she wants because she is the one that left you. Always remember that you have feelings too and that she did not take them into consideration when she started seeing this other person. I would tell you to move on, but we are kind of in the same boat. Remember that she left u and you owe her nothing. I hope this helps because I know no one can take the pain away but time. One more thing, I believe in charma (what you do to others will come back to haunt you) so let time have it's way with her.


Good luck,


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I am in the same situation. I am not positive my ex is with someone else but all the signs are there. I am trying to move on. I don't want to know she is for sure because I am tackling so many things right now I am afraid I would fall apart. I kept telling myself to wait because she will eventually realize how big of a mistake she has made but there is nothing we can do to change their minds. Just think of all the amazing girls out there that we will never meet if we keep holding on to the ones that hurt us. they don't deserve us. Just try and stay positive and when you start dwelling on her being with someone else realize that one day you will be happy with some great girl and this all will be a distant memory. I went through such pain before in break-ups, now they are some of my closest friends and I laugh that I was so crazy and heartbroken over them, hopefully we will get to that point with them one day in the future, good luck.

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