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The 26 Year Old Virgin: No More!


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For any of those who've read my previous posts on here, I have nothing but good news. My girl and I have fallen in love over the past three months (it feels like a year!), and we both had sex for the first time (in our lives and with each other) this past weekend.


I guess I could say that it was more pleasurable than I anticipated, but also a lot tougher! Even with a lot of foreplay and a lot of lube, finding positions that were comfortable was a whole lotta work! Interestingly, the easiest positions for us were all from behind (doggy-style, reverse cowgirl, etc.), and every time we tried a position from the front, we felt uncomfortable. I have no doubt that we just need to time to learn each other's bodies. When we did find comfortable positions, she was really enjoying it, but I couldn't go very long without having to stop to prevent the experience from ending prematurely


I do have a question, though: after the first time we had sex, the tip of my penis was sore for about eight hours. Nothing really bad, but annoying (urination was fine). On rare occasions I've felt that way after very rigorous masturbation. The second time we had sex, the same thing happened, but the soreness went away after about three hours. I think I hit her cervix a couple of times while we were having sex, and I suspect that caused the pain. Whatchall think?



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Wow! Your first time was a lot more experimental than mine was. I was so worried about the possibility it would hurt, it didn't even occur to me to try different positions. Your girl deserves some props for doing it all those different ways her first time! "Reverse Cowgirl" right after she, er, broke her hyman?? Eeeks.


Oh, and to answer your question...unless her cervix has briars on it, lol, I don't think that's what caused the soreness. It sounds like the sex was vigorous, thus, the soreness afterwards. There was a lot of chafeness occurring.

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Ha ha, thanks. I'm not sure what your definition of vigorous is. We were going pretty slow, and I was wearing a condom, of course. I just thought maybe it was sore from bumping it hard, like if I had an erection and went head straight into a wall.


There was no hymen breaking either. She's 23, so it probably broke a long time ago. She was expecting our first time to hurt, and she was pleasantly surprised with how smooth it went.

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Soreness happens. You can often minimize this by urinating after sex (bacteria can cause that pain). [Edit - I saw you used a condom, so this is probably not the cause. Most likely just all the activity!]


If you hit her cervix, it means she was not fully aroused. Something to think about, as when a woman is aroused her cervix will lift up and out of the way. And hitting it (straight on) is like getting kicked in the nuts, so be gentle! Typically men can enjoy sex with less lube, but for a woman being slippery is a godsend. I don't know what kind of lube you use, but I've found the brand "Forplay" is excellent (the blue lid.) Keep things wet and she'll be much happier and turned on.

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Well, yeah, that too, but the point is that when the cervix retracts it gets out of the way which can help.


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Long penises (over ~20 centimeters (8 in)) can be susceptible to rubbing on, or striking, the cervix. Some women find this to be uncomfortable or painful.


During vaginal intercourse, the vagina lengthens rapidly after initial insertion from about 10 to 14 cm (4 to 5.5 in),[29] but the final and initial depths vary from woman to woman ±2.5 cm (±1 in). As the woman becomes fully aroused, the vagina tents (last ²⁄₃ expands in length and width) while the cervix retracts,[30] meaning that at certain angles of penetration, longer penises will slide over or under the cervix.

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Well, I'm only a little over six inches, so maybe it wasn't the cervix I was hitting.


You still could have been thrusting very deeply. She could be built a little shallowly down there, and you were actually hitting it because of that. Or perhaps the positions you were in caused that. It's not that big of a deal unless it's a constant thing and she ends up in constant pain. But it was her first time.

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