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uh ohhh i like a friends gf...


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soo here my story...

theres a girl well call her jill and my friend whos her bf jack.

jill and i are very very very close friends we met last september and ever since her and i have been very close and she almsot told me wen something was wrong and told me all her secrets when she needed to vent and same with me and her. when i broke up wit my gf she was always tehre to help me feel better and she was there for me so i could talk. and when she was trying to get with jack iw as there for her helping and giving her advice and everything. now jack an jill are together and jack and i are very good firends too. but the thing is im kinda starting to liek jill...alot...i tried to stop but her and i spend so much time togetehr that i keep liking her more each time we do hang out....what should i do?should i just stay away from her for a bit??or what??

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thats a really tough one. especially cause jack's your friend. first reaction is to stop hanging out with her so much. but question for you - do u know how jill feels? is she happy with jack? does she show interest in being more than friends with u?

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She is with your good friend- respect that! Do not risk ruining a friendship over a girl, especially when, what it seems to be like to me, she is only your friend!! She had a chance to be with you after you broke up with your g/f but she decided to date your friend. You will most likely lose both of their friendships if you act on your feelings.


Stay away from her until you either get over your feelings or find someone else to distract you. She is off limits.

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If you can't completely aviod her (if she's with the group of friends you are with), avoid her in other ways- for example, don't single her out for a conversation, don't spend ANY time with her alone- keep things on a completely platonic level. Don't share any secrets, don't bond in anyway. Just keep as much distance as you can.

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I agree with the others - try to keep perspective whilst they are together.


I wouldn't say give up hope tho - stranger things have happened. I was dating one of my husband's best friends before we (my husband and I) hooked up and got married.


My husband was just patient enough....


He kept his distance whilst I dated his friend. He just waited his turn. lol

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