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I am having a very hard day today. I have been doing LC for 5 months, and today I found out my ex is seeing someone new. Today is the first time I responded I need to do NC. I have never ever stated that to her, and so today I am having a hard day. I responded to her saying that I wish her the best, however, I need to have some time with no contact now. I feel clueless now, and I am so incredibly sad. Chapter over

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It get's better. When a relationship ends, it ended for a reason. Something was wrong with it and getting out of the relationship gives you the opportunity to find a partner who fits you better. I can't tell you that you'll feel better tomorrow but I can tell you that we've almost all been there, some of us multiple times and we've almost all been happier in the long run... Especially when we find a person that's an even better fit for us. You are free from a relationship that wasn't going to work out and can now enjoy being single with out having to answer to someone... You can now choose another partner, and you now get to experience new love with someone again. Try to enjoy the opportunites this breakup has afforded you.

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Good to hear you are doing NC. Its amazing how you'll feel afterwards. Is this your first love? if so, its REALLY hard... and REMAINS hard for a LONG time... but it gets easier... then at a certain point actually makes you laugh when you think about her. So relax, and enjoy the painful ride... you'll learn more than you ever thought you could in the months to come (after every relationship... i always do)

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Yes, it is my first love. My brain knows you are right, but it still hurts so much. So much hard work for nothing, and seeing how easy it is for her to move on is devastating after enduring so much from her.


Tears just keeep forming in my eyes, and I am at work.. The support here is amazing.

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First loves are always the worst to get over, I share your pain man, believe me I do. My first girlfriend (whom I dated for 6 years exclusively) left me for her best friend's boyfriend (of course I found out after that they weren't just being friendly for friendship's sake). They later married and are as far as I know living happily ever after. Two weeks after the breakup I found out after her friend got dumped by her boyfriend what was really going on. I can't tell you the hurt I went through, the same feelings of having wasted my time, the feelings of "what was it all for?" and "how can I be tossed aside so quickly?" All I can say is it will pass, it will get better, you will see that you're better off. Hang in there, we're here!

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  • 6 months later...

well.. you guys were right.. that door closed.. and another one opened.. and now I am going through yet ANOTHER break up.. Lol.. only this one didnt last years of course.. I feel like a real winner.. I got 2 break ups within 1 year time frame...


I guess i am trying not to completely fall in to the depths..

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