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Is it possible to be cool with everyone?

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I always make an effort to get along with everyone. I try to be pleasant, and nice and in general...myself. I try not to rub people the wrong way and I think I am much more passive than I should be. I am in general, pretty tolerant of others and I don't think I am that judgemental. Afterall, it's their life, I don't care what they are doing with their business as long as it doesn't harm anyone. Except themselves.....if they want to harm themselves, sometimes there's nothing you can do.


But just because I make an effort to be okay with everyone.....doesn't mean everyone is okay with me....and I find that the more people I meet...the more I find it is difficult to be cool with every person. Just some people just.....bother me....some people I can't stand....some people I just don't want to be around....some people are shady and I hate that....I can't stand fake people.....


I don't know what to think. or what to do.

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In my opinion, you don't have to particularly "like" (as in have affinity for) everyone, nor should you try to always agree with them, but you should be civil, polite and respectful towards everyone.


If someone is rubbing you the wrong way, you can try to minimize the contact you have with that person. And as Eva said, if someone is driving you nuts, just remember, what they say is "water off a duck's back" (you're the duck!). Just brush it off and keep on going.

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I don't particularly LIKE everyone I come in contact with, but most of the time, I find them to be okay.


I think if you focus on the bad things about them (that they can be fake or their annoying quirks), you will not be able to like them or stand them. However, if you try to take your focus off of those bad things, you'll find that most people have good qualities that weigh out their bad.

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I don't think it's possible to be cool with everyone....unless you have absolutely NO opinions, no personal moral code, no sense of right/wrong, and no sense of appropriate behavior....which would make someone a fairly bland and spineless kind of person.


Polite and civil to others? Certainly...until they've proven they cannot behave that way in return. If they can't...well, I'll just be moving along, then.

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Is it possible to be cool with everyone?


No. I don't think so. I've tried many times and it was always a wasted effort.


You can can't please everyone and be true to yourself. i.e. - you also have to please yourself and you're the most important person when it comes right down to it. Just concentrate on those who make some reciprocal effort to be nice to you, and continue being nice to them. As for others who make no reciprocal effort to be nice to you, then stop wasting time on them, and ignore them.


I try to be nice to everyone initially, but if I'm attacked or ignored in return, I might try being nice to that person again later, but after 3 or more rejections, I'm finished with them for good. I operate on a 3 strikes you're out policy.

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