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The lonely dating world

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I find the dating world to be pretty lonely. I don't have friends who want to go meet people, or if they do, they'd rather do it by themselves than with me (attending singles events, etc.). I'm pretty p.o.'ed at them about that, in fact.


I *can* go to things by myself, sure. But I'd rather go with someone or a group. Can anyone relate to this?


Eh, I'm just venting.

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Yes it can be isolating. I looked at it as a part time job. I went to events and made a deal with myself that I had to stay for 45 minutes and sometimes I also added that I had to talk to at least one person in that 45 minutes, and then I could leave.

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Batya, yeah that's good. Give a little do-able goal, so it's not so daunting.


Musicguy, if we lived closer, I'd go around with you too!


Good point about one person meeting someone and the other not, though, ghost.


I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. Thanks everyone. After my OP, I've been wracking my brain to think of who I know who might be open to doing a little networking and I'm going to put out some feelers to them. Maybe some of my not-so-close friends are more apt to be into the dating scene than my immediate friends. All it takes is one or two people to open up the world to a whole bunch more people!

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