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Pls talk if you're here..

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are people who care about you. We in cyberspace care. I'll bet there are people in your family and friendship circle who care...they may not know what to do.


Please take time to think and know that you deserve to live! Suicide is a permanent solution to a very temporary time in your life. Please, please don't do anything to hurt yourself. Promise?

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  • 1 month later...
I'm just feeling so rotten, alone and having all these suicidal thoughts going through my head atm so if you're online and have MSN messenger pls drop me a line. email removed. I'm in so much pain but nobody cares - my family, my friends...nobody...


hi hun..if you need to talk im am always here for you..we all are


i have MSN Messenger


my address is 34@link removed


i hope you will add me soon

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