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do you crave drama and crisis?

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Does anyone else enjoy being in crisis situations? I’m not sure if it’s because I crave drama, or because I enjoy a challenge. Maybe it’s because I turn to things that make me feel good – like cigarettes, alcohol, and beautiful songs. Maybe it’s because that’s the time when I feel the most alive. Or a time when I revaluate or redefine who I really am instead of just going through the actions. Maybe it’s just because I like to feel like I’m in a movie. Maybe it’s because that’s the only time I really live the moment.


I wonder if there’s a way to feel that good without the crises?

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I don't like drama, it tends to scare me and make me nervous.


Hazey, why dont you put this thread under "Emotions and Feelings"? This is a topic that I think a lot of people can empathize with and understand. And we can help each other come up with ways to deal with it.


Thanks for the suggestion! How can I move it?

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Constant crisis sucks, but my ex thrives on it. Her whole life is one giant saga. Everything is a potential disaster, nobody can ever understand her, her problems are devastatingly unique, etc. etc. etc. She was the type of person who'd break down and cry if a waiter got her order wrong. Some people truly are drama addicts.

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Constant crisis sucks, but my ex thrives on it. Her whole life is one giant saga. Everything is a potential disaster, nobody can ever understand her, her problems are devastatingly unique, etc. etc. etc. She was the type of person who'd break down and cry if a waiter got her order wrong. Some people truly are drama addicts.


When I meet someone like this....I turn tail and run the other direction..haha.

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Constant crisis sucks, but my ex thrives on it. Her whole life is one giant saga. Everything is a potential disaster, nobody can ever understand her, her problems are devastatingly unique, etc. etc. etc. She was the type of person who'd break down and cry if a waiter got her order wrong. Some people truly are drama addicts.


I'm not like that. I'm actually irrationally relaxed about little stuff. But I've overcome some pretty crazy obstacles in my life. When I look back on them, I seriously have no idea how I ever got through. In each case, I not only made it through, but I kicked butt and did so much better than I ever would have expected myself to. But you would think that I would feel better once it was all over and under my belt. Instead, I realise that I was happier when I was going through it. It's like I get into this killer mode where I completely let go of all my self-doubt and close my eyes and go flailing through. It feels so good to live like that.

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Anyway, I think those days are over because I'm all grown up now and have to be stable. Blech.


But I still like to watch rap videos with hot black girls with thick lips and big booties whose boyfriends cheat on them and they talk with their hands and, when they go clubbing, they carry their boyfriends gun in their handbag, and then they find the other woman who's been sleeping with her man and then her girls go in the street, in their high heels and sexy tight jeans, and they fight with the other girls.... Ahhh... Okay, fine I'm delusional..


I wish I could find a way to get the drama I need without watching rap videos.

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not anymore. before i used to live IN drama. everyday, every moment was a crisis. but since i am being more balanced in myself, i try to find another way of fulfilling the need for stimulation and excitement.


i think we all have the need for attention, fun, excitement, different but the way every person seeks that out is different. some people choose to do so by creating chaos, havoc, pain in each other's lives and by having a meltdown over every little thing.


i cant do that anymore because it will give me wrinkly little grey hairs and wrinkle. i dont want to do that to myself anymore. there must be a different way to gain excitement and happiness without crisis and theatrics.

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Seriously.. The most exciting part of my day is when I sneak out of the office to run accross the street to Starbucks.


Economists are boring. I'm going to become a stripper.




I have this feeling that being around you is anything but boring. You've made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion.


I dislike uncalled upon drama and conflict but gotta admit, I love a good Crisis.

Like you said, it has been when I felt most alive.


Once you've been plunged into situations that seem bloody IMPOSSIBLE to survive, let alone overcome and grow from, ...and you live to tell the tale...well, 'normal' life can seem boring.


There's gotta be some balance between High Point of Excitement being Starbucks & Strippin' and Rippin'.

Now to find it, eh.


If I figure it out I'll let ya know.

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[quote name=itsallgrand


Once you've been plunged into situations that seem bloody IMPOSSIBLE to survive, let alone overcome and grow from, ...and you live to tell the tale...well, 'normal' life can seem boring.


Ah. well, thats when you call out the big dogs and go for an adrenaline rush!


Ride this freakin &^@#*# buckskin mare I have. When you come off in one piece, you kiss the ground thanking God you survived once more ... and didn't sell her for dog food.

Really tho...go ski diving or bungy jumping or wrestle gators or something to get that high.

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Ah. well, thats when you call out the big dogs and go for an adrenaline rush!


Ride this freakin &^@#*# buckskin mare I have. When you come off in one piece, you kiss the ground thanking God you survived once more ... and didn't sell her for dog food.

Really tho...go ski diving or bungy jumping or wrestle gators or something to get that high.


YES! I do, I do, believe that is an excellent idea. I used to go all out and it did help bring back that I AM ALIVEEEEEEE! momentum.


Ride a mare buckskin?! Gawd no, lord a mercy girl, NO. LOL.


Wellll...honestly.....last time I rode a horse it was awesome, but, had my buddy-o-pal watching him closely the whole time. That horse could sense my fear, my insistence.


Had to acknowledge that post of yours because it makes me grin hugely and full of Ooomfff. I can feel the passion blasting from the screen. AWESOME!


Plans for next adventure now in full speed.

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You bring up an interesting point here, in my current situation with a girl that i crushed on for 2yrs, finally had my chance with but walked away from me when things just started to get serious...i had an epiphany...


Her past has been nothing but hardship (no parents, no real schooling, except now in college, moved around the country alot, and finally some bad relationships, as well as some depression/anxiety) ....These were all things i came to find out about her...


Anyway with all that being said, this is what she was used to her whole life...

Especially with her last past relationship, but i came to the rescue and we started to progress our feelings some time later...Me being the stable one, the one being there for her through thick and thin, with no drama what so ever i think freaked her out and she went running back to the ex, (dont know for sure) but willing to bet on it soon enough...after i asked her out and she lasted only 4 days...Im hurt but like the post titles she doesnt know anything else but drama and crisis and i think that makes her feel the most comfortable like maybe that person cares in some sick twisted way ...maybe this doesnt make the most sense but its the only way i can understand the issue of her shutting off completely after we just started to get involved...


I mean i think about it and realize that through all the things that went on she was always there for me and her friends the most when things were crazy ...like maybe someone would need her to be there for them....but when things are stable she is a zombie, half alive, ....also she always used to call me when things were crazy with her ex, when we were only friends, like i would get the interesting 2am call from her 2hrs away on vaca ..if i needed you could you come pick me up from here ....stuff like that...

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