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Being bigger isn't all it's cracked up to be

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I'm tired of seeing all these "size matters" and "am I too small" threads... There's a reason an average size exists, because the average female body was built to accommodate the average size penis. I made this thread to start a list as to why being bigger really isn't THAT great (lengthwise or girth)... at all... So contribute any stories or experiences that reinforce this.


-When she's on top, she has to move a lot slower and can't slide all the way down without feeling like she's gonna be impaled (I really want a girl to just screw my brains out for once)

-Out of the few guys my last ex was with I was the ONLY one she couldn't get off with a hand job or blow job because her hands/jaw would get tired quickly... in two years with her I never got off once from a hand job or blow job

-Quickies are almost impossible because the girl has to be really into the sex for the pain to be overcome by pleasure

-In any other position I can't go "all out" because of the pain it causes by going in too far

-Hiding a hard-on in public is that much harder


I'm satisfied with my size, but sometimes I think taking an inch or two off would be for the benefit of whoever I'm with

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-all the nerve endings are on the clitoris, and around the outer area. the inner vagina does not have any nerve endings so it only indirectly stimulates.

-woman’s main sexual organ is her mind. If she loves you and feels emotionally close then it'll turn her on no matter what size you are. If you're insecure about being small, or big-headed about thinking you are the biggest king of the world then it's likely to be a big turn off.


a lot of woman like more stimulation on the more sensitive area on the front/outside, eg the sensation of close bodies together, grinding her mound in close etc (or a finger around the front in the crack during sex).


of course every woman is different

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It's nice to hear someone put that spin on it for a change.


For my own contribution I would like to add that my equipment is mine alone and not for anyone else to judge. It is not too big, it is not too small, it is what it is. And I don't give a monkey's what anyone else might think about it. It's not theirs, it's mine! Like it, great. Don't like it, who cares. And I 100% genuinely mean that.


If a woman were to use a physical trait to belittle you that is called bullying. Bullying is for the weak and the insecure. Same as if a man criticised a woman's breasts.


There are things I like and don't like about my body, but those are for me to judge and me to call. Don't need any help with that from anyone else.


Good post, wish you all the best...

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Well, you know they can remove part of your penis. Just like they use tissue from other parts of the body to increase size or girth, there is some tissue that can be safely removed from a man's penis to reduce width and girth.


I'm a female, but the idea of removing part of the penis makes my skin crawl. Can't men just leave their genitals alone?

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Well, what if you've found that one person you want to spend the rest of your life with, and sex hurts her? I'd chop part of it off in an instant if it is for a cause like that....and its not like they cut the head off and leave a stump. Its like a breast reduction, they go inside and carefully remove material, while leaving the workings intact. Then the pull everything snug and sew it up. Viola, you loose an inch or two in width and girth.


Of course, I'm just average here, so it aint gonna happen!

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Well, you know they can remove part of your penis. Just like they use tissue from other parts of the body to increase size or girth, there is some tissue that can be safely removed from a man's penis to reduce width and girth.


Yeah, I might think about having a smaller penis sometimes, but that's about as far as that gets... a thought.


Imagine telling your friends why you couldn't go out with them over the weekend... "Hey guys, sorry I couldn't make it out this weekend, I got a section of my penis cut out because, well, it was too big"




they go inside and carefully remove material, while leaving the workings intact. Then the pull everything snug and sew it up. Viola, you loose an inch or two in width and girth.


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Well, you know they can remove part of your penis. Just like they use tissue from other parts of the body to increase size or girth, there is some tissue that can be safely removed from a man's penis to reduce width and girth.



Maybe you could sell the excess on eBay.

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No.. it's very true that bigger is not ALWAYS better. But to me.. I'd much rather have the guy be a BIT bigger in girth than length. So a thick penis is sort of an asset in my opinion. I also like it when the guy isn't circumcized, all that extra skin feels so nice inside you. Having someone hitting my cervix doesn't feel good to me. Maybe to other women it doesn't, but to me, it is a very sensitive part of my body.

On the other hand, I've been with a guy who's average in length and has been so forceful he kept hitting my cervix... and that wasn't pleasant at all.

So..I guess what I'm saying OP, is that a guy can have an average penis and still have to be careful.

Have you tried to get with a lady a little taller in stature? Maybe she would also have a longer vagina... I also here that black women tend to have a bit large vaginas as black guys tend to have a bit larger penis, i'm not trying to be offensive. What size we are is all hereditary and there's not much we can do about it short of surgery.

However. I agree with superior, I'm happy with what God gave me upstairs and wouldn't want to have surgery on my breasts anymore than this guy doesn't want to have surgery on his penis. And I can hardly blame him. Surgery is risky.

" For my own contribution I would like to add that my equipment is mine alone and not for anyone else to judge. It is not too big, it is not too small, it is what it is. And I don't give a monkey's what anyone else might think about it. It's not theirs, it's mine! Like it, great. Don't like it, who cares. And I 100% genuinely mean that."

I feel the same way, superior, if the guy doesn't like the size of my breasts, he can take a hike! At least they are real. I get tired of always trying to please other people anyway.

No one goes out of there way to please me. Why should I subject myself to risky surgery just to please some guy who doesn't like natural breasts?

Anyway... yeah.. having oral sex with a guy who's longer than usual is a not fun.

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If anything I am about average in girth and slightly above average in length.


It is annoying to always have to hold back knowing that in many positions, you will hit her cervix and it may hurt. Conversely though, when she gets really turned on, things move out of the way a little and you can go to the back and it may be pleasurable for her. But it still hurts in its own way. I wouldn't mind taking about a 1/2 in off in length and adding it to girth (depending on what girl I happen to be with as some would not like the thickness).


I'd like to hear more about woman on top position. I always thought being slightly longer would be an asset? I guess it is mainly what sort of technique they use more than anything. Slipping out can happen no matter what size you are.


Being longer definitely isn't an advantage for blowjobs ime. Way tougher to deep throat, haha.

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Hitting a girls cervix is not that pleasant for a guy either. It can be just as uncomfortable if not painful for a guy. However there are positions where you avoid hitting it or hit it with a little less force.


I agree with Cardinal that guys should stop talking about length so much, as average or slightly above average length is just fine for probably 90-95% of all girls out there.

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Well, what if you've found that one person you want to spend the rest of your life with, and sex hurts her? I'd chop part of it off in an instant if it is for a cause like that....and its not like they cut the head off and leave a stump. Its like a breast reduction, they go inside and carefully remove material, while leaving the workings intact. Then the pull everything snug and sew it up. Viola, you loose an inch or two in width and girth.


Of course, I'm just average here, so it aint gonna happen!


I guess it goes the other way too. If I love him and I want to be with him for the rest of my life, there's no way I'd put him through a penis chopping operation, even if it is as easy as you make it sound. Imagine if there was nerve damage and he couldn't get hard, or worse, have no feeling.There are ways around a big penis, such as different positions and techniques. It's definitely doable.

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MrCrazy2U you have misssed the point completely and have basically put a crux in your whole thread by mentioning situations where your having sex. That the point guy with no d**k have to live a reclusive lifestyle and are lucky to even meet a women with understanding. What you saying has no relevance to this argument and is in a whole different category. I respect your problem though i cant begin to imagine them, but please dont present them in the light of this other overly mentioned topic

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Bulls$#t! I may only be average, but I know stuff that would make a woman loose her voice from screaming! Your problem is that you really are thinking with your d*#k. You think thats all there is and all that a woman cares about. Don't you know that about 98% of a woman's nerve endings are at the opening and within about 1 1/2 to 2 inches of the vaginal opening? Except for the G-Spot, which is easier to stimulate with the hands, almost all the action is right there in the front and the clitoris.


Ok, I'm sure that many women like that feeling of fullness, but if you blow the top of her head off with several sweet, slow orgasms, I don't think she's gonna complain too much.

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I think I have the perfect penis. 7 1/4"x 6"(length x girth). The head end is actually 5 3/4". I thought that I small, so I wanted to be bigger. Then I found after sex that it wasn't needed. Sometimes I have to go slow, and its sucks. So there are some things I don't like about my penis. Boners are really hard to hide sometimes. Public boners are not cool im my book.

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