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What makes you feel loved?

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A messy scrap of paper with paint in no semblance of order apart from the odd sprawled handprint, with bits of fabric & plastic stuck to it & a "To Daddy. Love Me" at the bottom





for me? when its an amazingly hot, sticky night, we are sweating like pigs, but he still wakes up in the middle of the night and holds me


That and when my friend gives me this funny little look...

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The reactions from my uni friends when I say I'm going to visit them.


When my nephew falls asleep in my arms.


Anything my sister does. I love her so much.


There are a lot of things that made me feel loved with my ex, but I don't want to list them, because I don't want to remember those times and get sad.

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When my mum gave me a hug the other day. I was upset and she so rarely hugs me, I felt she loved me and that was almost to much to take.

Talking to my best friend Charlie, I haven't seen him in a year, but we still keep in touch. Knowing that he loves me makes me feel so good about myself, I'm grinning for days after a phone call.

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I rarely get upset in front of my boys, but when I do I explain it to them afterwards ( not the details ) because I think its healthy for them to know showing emotion is ok...


But what makes me feel so loved is when Im having a cry and I tell them not to worry Im just getting these feelings out and Ill be fine in a minute, they come up, give me a great big hug and tell me " Dont cry mum, no one else can ever love you like I do"...


and they are so right, children have the best unconditional love there is!!!

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