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Depends on what context.




I love a cold beer on a hot day.

I love golden retrievers.

I love my mother.

I love my lady.

I love nature.


Each one involves love in different intensities.

IMO, love isn't different for each case, it just has diferent volume levels.

Sex is not love, but is enhanced by its presense.


Love is a noun and a verb.

You can make, feel, give, share, show, receive or want love.

You can simply love.


To me love is an appreciation of everyday miracles.


Just my two cents.

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I agree...I think love is when you wish for the best for the other person...even if it means that you aren't that. Love is freeing as opposed to oppressive...people who love do not often try to control/change you. Love is loyal, and lasting. It is kind and gentle and very very strong.

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Love lingers after the feelings of lust leave.


It is selflessly putting another person in the forefront of every decision you make...caring about them more than you care about yourself. This applies to both the love a mother has for her child, and the romantic love one has for their partner.


I don't think I will ever love like this again, although I still feel it for my ex. ](*,)

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