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Advantages to Being Dumped

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more free time


spending less money


less stress and in turn, better health! (because admit it, if you're just out of a relationship, the events leading up to the breakup were definitly stressful, in my case, it was almost 6 months of stress)


...if i think of anymore I'll post them...


More free time? Thats not a positive aspect...I am freaking LONELY!


Spending less money? I have spent so much money on alcohol lately that I could start a liquor store...


Less stress? Hah! The events leading up to my breakup were wonderful...

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You appreciate being happy more than you ever did before, because it becomes so rare.


You discover the people who really do love you with all their hearts. The people who have let me moan on and on and endlessly discuss whatever's happening, and will still offer up help when they sense that I'm feeling down about it aren't the people I thought they'd be. I've only known them since September, but they've proved themselves to be beyond the most amazing friends.


Retail Therapy.


The satisfication you feel when you realise for the first time that, should they ask for a second chance, you would say no without hesitation or regret.


You have the chance to reinvent yourself, or even simply buff up the old you that had become tarnished and battered in the last few months.



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Actually that an excuse to look great!!!Go out and buy new clothes ,work out and look great!!!...


i agree with this. i have been back in the gym on a strict regimine doing about 90 minutes of cardio a day and i feel great.


additionally, the money i would have spent on dinners, gas and toll to see her and other girlfriend expenses goes to stuff I want!!!!


the best thing you can do i can do is be successful, so if and when i run into her down the road she will always be the one to question why she ended things!

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More free time? Thats not a positive aspect...I am freaking LONELY!


Spending less money? I have spent so much money on alcohol lately that I could start a liquor store...


Less stress? Hah! The events leading up to my breakup were wonderful...


Well i was dumped several months ago and those are all the positive experiences i had!!!!

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