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number one: Is it rare to catch something from a public toilet seat, like let's say Walmart?? If so, what are the normal things that a person can catch.


number two: I've had some irritation and itching around and on the lips on my vagina, I got my husband to check for lice, and he couldn't find any and I'm not allergic to the condoms either. I don't shave down there either. Does anyone have any suggestions?? I've had itching there before when I was way younger (and still a virgin.)



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Most things WOULDNT survive on a toilet seat as it would much rather be on a warm human body rather than a cold hard surface so as far as it happening, its rare but i'm sure it's happened. Im with Above poster though I shudder at the thought of sitting on apublic toilet I avoid public restrooms at all cost if I can.


You could have a yeast infection or some other form of infection? If its so bothersome I suggest you get it checked out

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I didn't have time to put ANYTHING on the toilet seat *shudderShudder* I was praying the whole time that I wouldn't catch anything, I did however pick the seat that looked cleanest the others looked scary! I cringed when a woman sat her toddler on the super gross looking one. poor kid.

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A yeast infection feels like intense itching burning sensation. The itching isnt always there but it can get real bad. So bad you can hardly walk without wanting to scream from the awful feeling down 'there'. It looks like a thick clumpy nasty white substance.. like ricotta cheese. Its caused by when your yeast down there have gone haywire and then they have medication you can take to balance your bits out down there so yeast is not running wild.. Untreated its like gas in a car it just keeps going and going and going...You should be able to get this over the counter at your local pharmacy. Also your doc can diagnose this easily.


A bacterial infection however will require antibiotics... its going to smell nasty and the discharge would be yellow, green, brown... it can even smell like days old fish...

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A yeast infection feels like intense itching burning sensation. The itching isnt always there but it can get real bad. So bad you can hardly walk without wanting to scream from the awful feeling down 'there'. It looks like a thick clumpy nasty white substance.. like ricotta cheese. Its caused by when your yeast down there have gone haywire and then they have medication you can take to balance your bits out down there so yeast is not running wild.. Untreated its like gas in a car it just keeps going and going and going...You should be able to get this over the counter at your local pharmacy. Also your doc can diagnose this easily.


A bacterial infection however will require antibiotics... its going to smell nasty and the discharge would be yellow, green, brown... it can even smell like days old fish...


That is a very bad yeast infection you described I get them often but never do I smell like fish, or get nasty cottage cheese looking discharge.. not all yeasts infections are that bad or severe my only symptom is itchiness and maybe (TMI, sorry) it would be uncomfortable when I would urinate but I never would have known I had a yeast infection had I not been diagnosed by a doctor I thought I had crabs or warts because i'd get red marks where I was itching and itw asjust from the infection irritating my skin.

Unless its get majorly uncomfortable for me I just use over the counter creams like Monistat or something and it goes away wihtin a week or so.

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SheWolf don't worry too much, it's probably not a big deal and I would think is easily treatable or will go away by itself.


I must admit this has made me feel like quite the gross person, as while I am no great lover of the public loo I have no problems sitting on the seat if it looks okay. And I have sat on a few. No problems ever.


I think the biggest problem would realistically be contracting some cold virus on the door handles/taps on the way out and then touching your eyes/nose.

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