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Weight gain in early pregnancy


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What has been your experience of weight gain in early pregnancy?


I get the impression that it's minimal in the first months, and the books tend to encourage that perspective. However, I am bloating and ballooning, and it's not down to eating too much. I am only 5 weeks in and I can't fit into anything! My chest has gone up 2 inches in the last week, and my stomach (previously reasonably small) has thickened out. I think I have put on a couple of kilos or so in the last two weeks, and particularly since mid last week.


I am one of those curvy, bigger hipped people, and I'm older (34) so maybe that also makes a difference.

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I gained alot in the beginning (35 lbs in the first 6 months and almost nothing since) but that was because I quit trying to be thin and started eating more. It's normal to experience some bloating and increase in breast size, but I don't see why you would be gaining a noticeable amount of weight if you haven't changed your calory intake and output. Maybe you've becoming less active due to sickness and/or fatigue?

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Maybe it's not actual weight (fat) but it's certainly size. I am noticing this all a lot more because I used to be little, and then put on weight in the last few months. My clothes were already tight, and the styles I wore do not lend themselves to me putting on any more weight. I am bursting out of things now! I put on two cup sizes in my breasts since 10 days ago or so - I went to buy new bras because the current ones were ridiculously small, and the woman in the shop put me into maternity bras. I have to sleep in them also because the tissue is painful.


So I am maybe just that body type that packs it on. I am probably also retaining fluid to some degree - I have now effectively cut caffeine and maybe that has an effect given I no longer have the diuretic in my system.


Yeah, I have been quite inactive since last week, but I have been light-headed and exhausted and feel like I'm dragging myself through molasses. I am also becoming breathless very easily. I understand that the increased progesterone does that.


Going to see a personal trainer this Friday to get some tips on looking after myself and keeping fit.

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Don't try to squeeze yourself into small clothes. Take this opportunity to go on a spending spree and get yourself a bunch of new outfits. Maternity clothes are so pretty these days that they don't even look like mat clothes. Definitely get yourself some mat jeans with the stretchy top - they're more comfy than pj's!


But don't worry if you can't keep up your same exercise routine. Just try to do something each day - even if it's just a short walk or vaccuming the living room.

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My partner gained 30 kgs first time around (from 55 kgs to 85 kgs) but only about 12 kgs second time. She said she really did not change her eating patterns from one pregnancy to the next (and I didn't see any change).


She was back to her pre-pregnancy weight in about 6 months in both cases so the extra weight did not seem to effect how quickly she got back to normal weight.

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Wow melrich, that's a huge difference between pregnancies, and there was no difference in what she ate/did each time? The human body, huh.


I am starting the process of marvelling at pregnancy now - it feels miraculous and bizarre that with the flick of a switch my body is going into production mode and I'm experiencing things I have never experienced before. I guess I just have to have faith and not judge my appearance too harshly for a while.

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Hey girl... Congrats first of all!


With all of my pregnancys I had hyper-amnieosis ( sp?) where my body did this thing where from the first sign of pregnancy I retained all 9 months of amnieotic fluid straight away.


My OB said it is quite common for some women to retain more amniotic fluid than necessary up front, it is just the bodys way of making ready. Just picture a tiny fish in a BIG ocean.


I gained all my weight the first 3 and a half months and then actually lost after that point a little bit.

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Gosh, I lost 3-4 kg during the first 9 weeks, gained 17 or so between week 9 and now. I have slowed the weight gain (like Hazey) as I was gaining at a brisk pace and there was no sense in that. I was just eating everything my heart desired. I have an extreme ability to gain and lose weight so I hope to lose it when I deliver. Have fun, Caro - pregnancy is delightful for the most part, even watching your body stretch to its limits.

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My advice is to make sure you're taking care of yourself. Period. Exercise a little every day, eat healthy foods, get lots of sleep and lots of water.


My doctor was on me ALL the time about how much weight I had gained. I wasn't eating anything really that different than before I got pregnant, so I kinda just took her advice with a grain of salt.


I ended up gaining like 50 pounds. It hasn't even been a week since I had the baby and I already lost 30. I don't know how it happened, but it did. I'm so much smaller and close to my regular size.


Enjoy pregnancy and don't worry about numbers. It's quality, not quantity!

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My partner also tends to lose a slight amount of weight in the first few weeks. This time that's partly because she's got a lot of nausea and is finding it tough to eat full meals.


However, her shape changes and despite losing weight she still thickens around the middle slightly and her pants become a little too tight very quickly at the onset of pregnancy.

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Im with the ones who lost in the beginning, I lost 15lbs in my first three months of pregnancy because of morning sickness and then once I got that under control I started gaining and my doctors had a fit I gained nearly 70lbs altogether when allw as said and done but I ended up losing 25lbs right away after birth from all the fluids and blood and such and lost the rest of it within 2 months.


DOn't sweat gaining weight too much unless of course it gets out of hand and dangerous for you and baby, right now it may just be bloating and retention of water the way of your body preparing itself. Also, a side note don't let your doctors get you down about your weight I know in the last few months of my pregnancy my doctors were on me about my weight gain because I gained more than 20lbs but you know what I was still healthy, my baby was healthy so unless its unhealthy for either of you dont worry too much about it. Good Luck and Congrats on a happy and healthy 9 months!!

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What has been your experience of weight gain in early pregnancy?


I get the impression that it's minimal in the first months, and the books tend to encourage that perspective. However, I am bloating and ballooning, and it's not down to eating too much. I am only 5 weeks in and I can't fit into anything! My chest has gone up 2 inches in the last week, and my stomach (previously reasonably small) has thickened out. I think I have put on a couple of kilos or so in the last two weeks, and particularly since mid last week.


I am one of those curvy, bigger hipped people, and I'm older (34) so maybe that also makes a difference.


Thank God for your post! I was convinced I was going to become the world's biggest pregnant person in her first trimester. I am 37, and was already at 140 when I found out I got pregnant. And I've since gained eight pounds more - and I'm only halfway through my first trimester!


I am absolutely aghast. I've always had a sturdy build, except in early to mid twenties when I had some eating issues and got down to 98 lbs (which was awfully unhealthy, I know, and I never want to get that skinny again). But this is ridiculous. As soon as it gets warmer again, I'm going to resume swimming laps at the rec center, and I've also been trying to take long walks with my dogs when I can. But I'm soooooo tired right now. Plus, it's so cold outside, I just don't have much energy or will to do hardly any exercise.

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My advice is to make sure you're taking care of yourself. Period. Exercise a little every day, eat healthy foods, get lots of sleep and lots of water.


My doctor was on me ALL the time about how much weight I had gained. I wasn't eating anything really that different than before I got pregnant, so I kinda just took her advice with a grain of salt.


I ended up gaining like 50 pounds. It hasn't even been a week since I had the baby and I already lost 30. I don't know how it happened, but it did. I'm so much smaller and close to my regular size.


Enjoy pregnancy and don't worry about numbers. It's quality, not quantity!


Are you breastfeeding? Because I heard that really helps to take the weight off.

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Don't worry Scout, I don't think there is any correlation with weight gain in the first trimester to overall weight gain. Ive read you want to be careful because the weight gained is not necessarily useful yet, but I suspect that weight loss in early pregnancy might be coupled to larger weight gain in the second trimester. I think a healthy weight gain accross the whole pregnancy is ideal. My doctor said his wife lost 20 pounds during the first trimester and then, promptly gained a net of 60 for a total gain of 80 pounds. So... don't sweat it. We're all different and the important thing is that we don't continue eating lots after the child is born. I can't wait. Wait till the second trimester when your energy climbs again... you will feel immensely better by week 14.

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Ah Scout, you and me mate. I am with you all the way. I went and bought some stretchy skirts with big waistlines yesterday though, so the discomfort thing is a bit better.


It's hard to get out when you feel exhausted hey? I understand that we get our energy back and we're right to get exercising by the second trimester though.


I've got my personal training session shifted to Saturday morning now, but if you like I'll post or PM you on Monday what I am advised. Key seems to be to get active every day without overheating or getting out of breath - maybe it's some slight strength exercises rather than cardio. Will see!

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