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I can't believe this is happening to me. I thought everything would be okay but now I'm away from the only person who cares and he has a job where he's treated like dirt and I can't find a job no matter what I do. We're going to be kicked out of the house we're liveing in soon and it's all my falt. I screwed up so much and now the one person I love most is paying for it. Everything is just so bad and I don't know what to do. I cry everynight and I just want it all to end so badly that I'm thinking about slitting my wrists.


That is the worse thing you could ever do. Dont give up just yet, keep looking for a job, just drop your resume of at any places you may want to work. Life will always have it downs but it also have its up, now dont let the downs control everything. So please befor you go and do something stupid just think about everyone you will hurt, do you really want to hurt the person you love? So please fight this feeling away you are stronger than this


hey, please recognize that everyone has some really hard times, and please don't blame yourself or think it is hopeless...


everyone has jobs sometimes that are awful, or you lose a job or can't find a job and think you will never get another or better job... i spent forever looking for a job after i moved to a new town to try to find better work, and the job i had evaporated when the company lost a big contract... i looked and looked, and thought i would NEVER find a job and was getting really depressed and desperate, then all of a sudden, i got a job when i didn't really expect it, and things got better, though i thought i was doomed to NEVER find a job...


and please think about how much harder life would be for the person you care about most if you quit trying and hurt yourself... he doesn't deserve to feel that guilt or loss in addition to whatever work problems he is experiencing right now...


please do some web surfing to look for social services in your area that can provide you with financial and job support, and for any state job or assitance services too... there are some organizations like St. Vincent de Paul who will help out with emergency situation, and other state resources to help you through a bad time and help you find a job...


so please don't blame yourself, just sit down with the one you love and try to write out a plan to help you get to a better place when you can, and take advantage of any employment agency or social services that offer help for you right now. there are also suicide help lines with people to talk to you 24x7, so please call them if you feel really down.


Okay maybe this will help. I moved down to mississippi in October because my mom kicked my fiance and I out of the house because she didn't like the way he was acting at the time. From there things just went down hill. However my Fiance got a job the twenty-ninth of January and quit today because he wasn't being treated fairly but now we don't have anywhere to turn we went to a church near by for help and all the pastor did was give us twenty dollars to eat on and that was it. The Pastor didn't even seem to aknollage me very much but told my Fiance that he would help him get a job. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to get back home to Missouri but I don't know that I'll be able to and on top of everything we where told that my fiance's dad is takeing his next/final pay check they don't know that he quit yet which will leave us with nothing...


Okay for those of you who want to know


I'm located in Gulfport, Mississippi as I said in my last post so if you know any resources here please pass them on to me.


I do not have a resume because I have no work experince at all.


I have a hard time getting to a computer sometimes so my posts may be few and far between but I will post as often as I can.


Check my profile for my e-mail if you wish to e-mail me you can with my yahoo messenger handle simply add @link removed on the end of it.


Now the post before this one will catch you up on everything if you have any questions simply ask me by either replying here, pming me or e-mailing me I check my e-mail at least once every other day if not every day.


I know I don't do anything actully I just think about it quiet a bit it kind of comes naturally with my depression. It's just been a rough few months and I'm going to be loseing my home april first. I don't know what to do anymore.


Don't feel bad about feeling bad either. That's just as bad as feeling bad in the first place! Tongue twister for ya. Of course it's natural to feel bad, but it's pretty obvious to me that you are doing everything you can to make things work out, and that you really love and care about your other half...


If I could find a gal who put half that effort in I would be so considerate and feel so loved. I think a lot of people will understand that feeling of helplessness that you're probably feeling right now, but remember that it's all about taking steps, and if you take those steps - no matter how small, you will get there eventually...



Hey girl,

Im young ,recently unemployed and on my own too. I often feel overwhelmed and get so down that I quickly revert to thinking about ending it all. But I understand that these feelings will pass and things WILL get better. Best thing to do is imagine yourself getting a job. Maybe settle for a job that is easy to get right now and continue looking. There's so much to look forward to. Think of all the lovely things that your future holds. Fill yourself, maybe change your surrounding for a few days, do something different.. most of all think positive, you can do it, your potential employers will see that in you and this will increase your chance of being hired! Smile, please!


Hi Crystal,


I know things seem to be dark at the moment. But you have to believe that things are happening to you for a reason. Believe me I have felt the way you have, I also don't have a job, and just got a diorce and literally have been going through alot of depression. I am batteling it though, because I only have myself at the moment. And if I loose myself then I have nothing, and it is not worth it. You have to take little steps. Go out try a get any job, do you have an education? If not apply for pell grants and financial aid and get your degree in whatever you want. You will see so many possibilities open when you go to school. If you cant salvage your home then try looking for some kind of shelter now! Church, Mosques, social services or whatever. There is help somewhere you just have to look and take baby steps. Hopefully you will see the light at the end of the tunnel as we all hope to as well. You are not alone!


let me put it this way. I can't even get a job at a fast food resturant and it's gotten to the point where if you name it I've put my application in there at least once. I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore. It won't really matter in the end anyway.


This is just an update. Everythings worked out, I start training at for a job tomorrow morning. Things are looking up at last. Thank you all for your support. I'll be around as often as possible to offer support to those that need it here. A bit of a repayment for the support that everyone here has given me. Take care everyone and continue doing what you do best. hugs.

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