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confused...dont know if this is considered flirting or not.

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im a freshman now in college, and theres this boy in my reading class, and i think im starting to develop feelings for him...just a crush though. hes nice totally not my type yet im attracted to him. hes really nice and i get all bubbly when he talks to me. (I HAVENT FELT THIS WAY IN A VERRRY LONGGG TIME!!) first day we started talking he was asking me questions that the professor had already answered! found that kinda weird. and my friend in class says that we would look at me and his eyes would "sparkle" we have this thing that when we laugh we look at each other...haha corny. and when we look at each other its in the eyes. we park by each other and what not and i try walking with him but hes either always on his cellphone or behind me or in front of me..i never have the chance to catch up or slow down now this has happened twice where im like 10 feet behind him and he opens the door for me but he actually looks at me and not holds the door while having his back towards me. so that happened again today but this time we talked! he came up to me (since we parkd the same way) and this is the convo we had :

ok so we were walking together and hes like.."are you done for the day" im like "yea i only have one class today" hes like "oh thats cool" i said "yea: thennnnn he was like "the teachers kinda hard" im like "yea she is!, shes kinda mean, she picks on people thats why when she asks me questions about the hw i always make sure they're right" hes like "yea, your shy, huh" i said "yea at first but once i start talking to you i open up more: then he was like.. she moved me up all the way in the front" i was like.."i know, i hope she doesnt move me" hes like.."hahaha your next!!" im like "noo, i hope not" then we started talking about parking...hes like "where'd you park?" i said "over there, you?" "over there im like "yea i dont even try to look for parking by the counseling because theres never any space opne" hes like yea..i said "well early in the morning there is, i go to class at 7 so there plenty of parking" hes like''essh thats too early" im like "i know i have to wake up like at 530" hes like "where do you live?" i said "PTWON" hes like "ohh i live in LTOWN then we got to his car and we sadly walked away and he was like.."well ok iill see you on monday" im like ok bye..hes like "bye"


so that was the convo and now this is where i need the advice.i dont know if he as a gf and i really am starting to like him and whatnot but i know i shouldnt because for one i dont know if he has a gf and i dont want to get hurt again. like i said i havent felt this way in so long its unbelievable. i just dont want to get hurt again and im traumatized that history will repeat iself. see i have no luck when it comes to boys so i wouldnt be surprised if he has a gf. I DONT KNOW WAHT TO DO!! i dont know if he likes me or idk anything anymore.i NEED ADVICE...please help me!!!!!!!!!!!

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He sounds like he wants to get to know you better, now you've had that first convo it should be easy to strike up other conversations with him in future.


If you want to know if he has a girlfriend, why not say something next time you see him like "How was your weekend? Did you and your girlfriend have fun?" If he's single he'll correct that statement and if he's taken you'll know by his response.

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exactly. if the conversation is good, chances are he is trying to get to know you better to ask you out. the perfect thing to do if you want to find out is be slick about the question. ask about his weekend. if he said he went out with the boys, ask if his gf is cool with that. if he says he doesn't have one, he will probably say what gf. if he has one....that sucks. he might just answer that he hung out with his gf. then there you know too. it's the easiest way. i say that to woman all the time. i will talk with them then ask, "is your bf here too?" that is another question you could ask "does your gf go to school here too?" keep the questions common and very general. that way it isn't prying.


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thanks for the suggestions i was actually thinking about saying something like that as well. how about if i say "how was your weekend" he'll respond and ask me the same question and i'll say something like "oh well i went on a blind date with my friend as a favor cause shes seeing this guy and she didnt want to go alone so he brought a friend too, but he had no personality and he was just silent" i know its a lie but i could be like "has that ever happened to you" and be like slick about it, and then ask if he has a gf, idk maybe that would work, what do you guys think????


and its kinda a lie but not really cause my friend did want to hook me up with this guy but he looks boring.hehe

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I'm not so sure you need to make up a story. By the conversation he is trying to get to know you but he recognizes you're shy. If you're in a conversation with him and run out of things to talk about just ask him questions about himself. Generally guys don't mind talking about themselves.


That being said asking him about the weekend is a good idea. If he doesn't answer with something that could be directly responded to with "does your gf whatever whatever" and he just says oh nothing exciting, you could say, oh well don't you have someone specialy you could have gotten together with? If he says no you can say yah I'm not seeing anyone at the moment either (if he's interested that'll be a ? he wants answered as well).


Also if he gives you some insight into his weekend say... he went to see a movie? You could say oh well i was thinking about seeing __________ on _____ are you interested. Being specific with an even and place leaves out the guessing game and indecisiveness that comes along with "wanna do something sometime". OR seeing as you two have class together you could say I'm having a little trouble with this ____ do you think you could help me with it?


Any of those things (providing he isn't seeing anyone) which honestly if he hasn't mentioned something about a girlfriend by now chances are there isn't one, then those conversational tips can open doors to spending time and getting to know one another.

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i guess maybe i shouldnt make up the story but i found it to be a sly way of asking him. because i dont want to ask him straight out DO YOU HAVE A GF? i dont want to give myself false hopes and illusions until i know if he has a gf or not. and your right maybe since he hasnt mentioned anything about a gf maybe there really isnt one. but then again we havent really talked about it. we havent talked about ohhh are you seeing someone stuff like that, we just talk about homework, the teacher, and parking troubles. what i wrote was our first real conversation, and i havent seen him have a conversation with any other classmates, only with me! geez monday should come quicker so i can get a response and stop worrying

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