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Why do people come to work deathly sick?


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Right now there are 2 people who came into work sick today- one has not stopped coughing and sneezing everywhere and is complaining that her body is aching. The other is complaining of a stomach virus.


I know germs are inevitable no matter where you are....but I guess since I'm pregnant I want to avoid sick people like the plague. I can't take medication like they can to get better....


I know they have plenty of sick days they can use, just like I do... Why risk getting others sick like that? I'm not a person who will stay out for every sniffle...but a deep cough or a stomach virus would keep me home.


Any other pregnant ladies feeling particulary physically vulnerable to things like this lately?


I'd better bring in some Lysol wipes....](*,)

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i dont' blame you for being a little ticked off, i know when i was pregnant that whenever someone would cough my way i would get a little nervous.

i like you lysol wipes idea, thats probably all you can do besides avoiding them.


I think they go to work anyways becasue it seems like people are normally persuaded to stick it out and go on with life as usual when we are sick. I know for me, especially bosses can be like that.

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I agree. When people are sick, it's inconsiderate to come to work.


The good news is that pregnant women have super high immune systems. Oh, and lysol isn't supposed to be good for pregnant women so don't use too much and wash your hands carefully after you use it!

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I feel for ya Bella.


I work in the ER and with that norovirus sweeping the nation I cannot tell you how many people have come in vomiting... of course they are patients and not coworkers, but the exposure is still the same.


I am washing and sanitizing my hands like a fiend every few minutes!


My advice? Bring a bottle of Purell to work and use it before and after you touch doorknobs, telephones, desks, the fax machine, water cooler, etc. Use it often. Most of these germs are transmitted from droplets (from a sneeze or cough) that lands on something that you touch and viola.


So wash, wash, wash your hands, and use Purell like you've bought stock in it!


(I do and I hate to say it but have yet to catch the norovirus!)

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Right now there are 2 people who came into work sick today- one has not stopped coughing and sneezing everywhere and is complaining that her body is aching. The other is complaining of a stomach virus.


I know germs are inevitable no matter where you are....but I guess since I'm pregnant I want to avoid sick people like the plague. I can't take medication like they can to get better....


I know they have plenty of sick days they can use, just like I do... Why risk getting others sick like that? I'm not a person who will stay out for every sniffle...but a deep cough or a stomach virus would keep me home.


Any other pregnant ladies feeling particulary physically vulnerable to things like this lately?


I'd better bring in some Lysol wipes....](*,)


This used to be a frequent gripe of mine when I worked for a larger company and had a cubicle instead of an office. People would come in sick all the time, and that in turn would get me sick.


I think the reason is A) Many people are inconsiderate of others, and B)t most people don't use their sick days when they are sick. They use them when they aren't sick.

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Unless I cannot get out of bed I am coming to work. My sick days not for when I am sick, they are for when I dont want to go to work. I never thought of it as a big deal to come to work with a normal cold or flu. I take the necessary precautions when I am sick, in fact I am sick now and I havent called in sick while I have had this cold.


If you really wanted to protest then you could wear the surgical type mask.

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I know they have plenty of sick days they can use, just like I do... Why risk getting others sick like that? I'm not a person who will stay out for every sniffle...but a deep cough or a stomach virus would keep me home.


Do you think that performance numbers that need to be delivered to the boss might be a reason for this?

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I just worry because all I do is run to the ladies room with my pregnant bladder.... if they are using the same bathroom I think it's a risk.


Heck, I should pretend I got sick and just go home to avoid all the flying germs ....





Purell, Purell, Purell!


Most of what you will catch is on surfaces- not in the air.

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HaHa...apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way.... a guy I work with just told one of the sick ladies to "get away from him"...he said it as a joke...but it was not truly a joke....I could tell by his tone of voice.


I keep hearing sneezes (the especially spitty mucous kind) being projected into the air....just a mere cubicle away....



I am seriosuly thinking of getting the heck out of here


I do not have Purell with me....



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I agree. When people are sick, it's inconsiderate to come to work.


The good news is that pregnant women have super high immune systems. Oh, and lysol isn't supposed to be good for pregnant women so don't use too much and wash your hands carefully after you use it!


Yeah, knock knock knock, haven't been sick yet this year. Wonder why they recommend flu shots for preggo's. I have been amazingly able to stave off many illnesses this year.

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The thing that kills me is that the sick then want sympathy for their sneezing and carryings on. I just get ilked out and ignore them. I use Germ-X whenever I hear a sneeze. I also take my daily MVI (prenatal) and try to get a little exercise. That's an immune booster as well.


Here where I work, our vacation time and sick time come out of the same pool of time off so if we use a sick day, we don't get a vacation day.

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Here where I work, our vacation time and sick time come out of the same pool of time off so if we use a sick day, we don't get a vacation day.


We get separate vacation and sick time, and we accrue a sick day every 2 weeks so I just can't see why a person would come in with a stomach virus or near dead. There's no excuse for it. It makes me mad.

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Unless I am about to die, I will go into work. In the US we just don't get enough days off to use the few sick days when we are actually sick. I mean most people get 2 weeks vacation and maybe 5 or 6 sick days to use through the whole year. So I use my sick days when I feel like going fishing or something like that in the summer. I understand how people get mad when someone comes in sick, but it's just part of the good old American work ethic.

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I understand how people get mad when someone comes in sick, but it's just part of the good old American work ethic.


It's not good work ethic. Studies have shown that workers are more productive and take less extended leaves of absense if they stay home when sick.

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No, HR people know -- it is not productive for the whole workplace for a few to come to work sick.


I feel this is selfish.


Perhaps BellaDonna's boss is too laid back


I recommend confronting the sick people and making a point to the boss.


I would not necessarily complain on the basis that you are pregnant (though I understand this - hey you could have Hep C or HIV and have similar worries). I would say that you don't want your work environment to be hindered by people who are contagious and breathing common air being pumped about by the HVAC.


I say complain! Do it in writing. cc your HR department. They know the scoop.

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I don't want to create enemies or stir the pot....I just wish they would stay home. No one knows I'm pregnant so I would never play that card.


I think bringing it to my boss is too drastic and might seem petty. He's not one to get involved in office politics and the like.


I think I might just say something like "Hey you don't sound good at all...You should go home"


Heck I'd even send them chicken soup if they got the heck out of here.

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