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Thoughts of Death

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Now I'm not suicidal but I'm planning my funeral and I've never done this before. Last night I saw a video of two teens who died in a car accident while fleeing police. They were sideswiped by a Semi and the car was shattered into pieces. I was shocked initially but later I was internally happy when I thought of it being me. I realized could have a quick exit that would lead to certain death.


I've had close calls in my life and with the loss of my children, parental rights on one, custody on the other. I really don't feel like I have a point to life anymore. No I don't plan on doing anything to myself but it was nice to know I could go suddenly and quick. I'm always afraid of living with bodily damage (mamed, paralyzed, etc.) But I have hoped for a peaceful passing.


Anyway today I e-mailed my best friend to tell her I'd like her to bring my daughter to my funeral (if I were to die). And that I didn't want my ex-husband or his family attending my funeral. I decided to e-mail my ex telling him I want either my best friend or mom to bring our daughter to my funeral.


I'm hoping since this came to mind my time is near. I've never thought of my own funeral stuff before. I know it's important to make wishes known and since this came to mind I made it known. I've never had funeral wishes before or felt internally happy about my own death. Both seem really odd to me and I'm kind of wondering what others make of these things.

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You know, while this may not be the answer the forum wants me to give, I'm gonna give it anyway:


Good luck, regardless of which you choose, life or death. I myself am a highly-suicidal with a few failures under my belt, good luck and I hope you have better luck with it than I did (yet again, I mean with either suicide or continue living).


They're gonna tell you it'll get better, and they are right, but that doesnt last.

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It doesnt sound strange at all to me, angel. I write an unofficial will every so often - little things to save you from further worry, and its comforting to know things will be in order once you're gone.


However, although its not unhealthy to think of your time coming to an end, its not necessary.


You know yourself, car crashes and the like leave just as many people living a life of hell as overdosing does.

There are no certainties. Ever. You gotta remember that.

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I salute you. I think that is a very loving thing to do for your children.


Let's face it, culturally, talking about death as a part of life is some kind of weird taboo in the west, generally speaking. Maybe elsewhere too. But it's just weird.

Talking about it frankly, and preparing for it, is not going to increase the likelihood of something bad happening, nor is it going to hasten death's arrival.

We are all gonna die, it's just a matter of when.


My arrangements are already made, and put payments on it. It's expensive! No way am I gonna saddle loved ones with those costs, especially at a time like that.

I've been there and it sucks.

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