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Starting a little late

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Well I'm 32 years old and interested in joining a band. I didn't do it when I was young because I wasn't thin enough. Well I'm still not the stick figure type, I'm the curvy type, but have talent that's being wasted. The karaoke people like my voice, the band jam people like my voice. Now to find a group to go out singing with because it makes me feel alive. Oh I've also modified my teen dream of superstardom to my adult dream of local sensation. So my regular body type might actually be acceptable.



I saw one group that plans to write original songs and I totally want to join that gro up. The posting is from a few weeks ago and I'm waiting for the site to get back to me on my enrollment. I totally hope the position is still open, just waiting for me.



I've spent years telling finding reasons not to do this. Even tried pursuing real estate because that's a more realistic career. That's when I found out you're supposed to pursue what you love because you have to work hard pursuing anything and it's much more fun to work hard at work you love. So wish me luck because it really freaks me out to do this and so far I haven't found a good replacement career.

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DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!!! because if you don't, you'll always regret not trying.


i'm 32 as well and went back to school to persue a career in the creative field. i am in school with kids half my age and i have never had any formal art training.


besides, "they" say 30 is the new 20.

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Why can't you start out doing this part time and continue to support yourself with "just a job" - it's great to do something you love and at the same time, you need to eat and you probably want to have a nest egg in the bank, right? You're not too old but is it necessary to do this full time? I know many people who are in bands but they do that evenings/weekends.

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HeeHee. Awesome!! Kick some butt out there and have a great time.


You'd be surprised at how easy it is to make ends meet when life is pursued with passion. Priorities change, but people don't forget to pay the bills at 32.

In tonnes of ways, you are better off doing this now than as a squirt - you have a firm grasp of how to manage your life already.


I'd try and hire Batya as my financial advisor, but I probably couldn't afford her!

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