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has this EVER happened to you?

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okk this question is for guys but if you girls have done this before you are more than welcome to give an asnwer ok so the question is:

guys have you ever had a girl say that she liked you too much and as a result couldnt go out with you. Maybe she said that she was too scared losing you in the first place and didnt want to feel vulnerable? if so then what did you guys think about this? and what happened, did the two of you end up going out in the end? As well was it a second attempt or first attempt at the relationship and last but not least, did she have other reasons for not wanting to go out with you even if she liked you very much or for that matter loved you? thanks for the replies!

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I've had somebody say to me I was better to them as a friend than anything else. They weren't interested in any sort of a relationship but they did want to maintain a friendship. It wasn't that she liked me too much though, that wasn't said.

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I am a woman. When I was about 22, I had a guy tell me that he liked me too much to go out with me. We had made out a couple times and hung out all the time, and he said he couldn't continue to be physical with me because he had "too much respect" for me, and he couldn't be serious with me because he wasn't over his ex-girlfriend. He claimed to like me too much.


We never dated, no. We both ended up with different people a few months later and lost touch with one another. In any case, I suspect that whomever is saying this to you is pretty messed-up right now and you should probably steer clear!

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okk this question is for guys but if you girls have done this before you are more than welcome to give an asnwer ok so the question is:

guys have you ever had a girl say that she liked you too much and as a result couldnt go out with you. Maybe she said that she was too scared losing you in the first place and didnt want to feel vulnerable? if so then what did you guys think about this? and what happened, did the two of you end up going out in the end? As well was it a second attempt or first attempt at the relationship and last but not least, did she have other reasons for not wanting to go out with you even if she liked you very much or for that matter loved you? thanks for the replies!


Not specifically.


I've had 2 situations that I can remember that resembled anything close to this.


One girl I met while in school, we started hooking up for a few nights (making out, petting etc). She clearly wanted more and I did not. We never talked about it but she asked my friend why I wasn't asking her out. He, of course, told me about it lol. He did explain to her that I was in a 2 year relationship that recently had ended and I wasn't up for that yet. Well she didn't tell me she knew (tho I knew) but we stopped messing around. She told me she didn't want to continue lol. I was a bit hurt but ok with it since I was trying to get with another girl she was living with (which I did for a while).


Another situation was a girl CLEARLY liked me. We spent a ton of time together. We liked each other. You could see something was building. But we were in school and lived on the same floor. We made out one night (was kinda cool) but we stopped. She told me she couldn't. Her reason was that she was the g/f with another guy who lived on the floor (whom I was friends with) but they broke up and it was a BAD break up. And she didn't want to be known as the girl of the floor. I was cool with it because I didn't want to be with her but I was hoping to "get some" but oh well. But it did allow me to do whatever I wanted without dealing with what "she" thinks. I did kind of dig her roomie as well lol.

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