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Condoms, G-Spot, and maintaining Erection


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Ok, so I am about to make love for the first time with a wonderful woman, and we both decide to use birth control (for her) and condoms for me. However, I have never done this before, and I would like to know how do I find out which condom size is the right one for me?


I also have a question on the woman's G-spot. How do I find the G-Spot and what is the best way to simulate it? By the best way I mean I would like to really really please her by simulating it if you know what I mean.


Finally, I would like to maintain my erection for at least five minutes. However I've noticed that when I masturbate or get one in public, it doesn't last for very long. All I'm really asking is to be able to maintain an erection until the job is done, so any advice on that?


Thank you all for your advice and help.

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Condoms really get in the way for me. The entire experience is lost with them...



Its either a choice of condoms killing the mood or possible STD's or pregnancy killing the mood, you choose!


Anyway to the OP, as said about stimulating the g-spot is easiest done with fingers and alot of exploration.

Have funa nd explore and you'll find it, unless she's one of the few women who just doesnt have a gspot.

About the condoms, most average sized guys can get by with regular sized condoms, only if you're well endowed do you need any larger. Not sure if they make really small condoms for those not quite average sized. (no offense to anyone)

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The best way to stimulate the g-spot is NOT with the penis... unfortunately.


Not true, stimulating the G spot is all about the proper angle. It is easier to do manually but if you know which positions to do then stimulating her G spot with a penis is very easy and more intimate than using fingers.


I believe that g spot stimulation may be a little advanced if this is your first try. Perhaps a good way to start is with doggystyle since that is somewhat easy to do.

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Most condoms come in one general size, but if you are very large, they do come in a larger size.


when it comes to the g-spot, some women are different. But usually you can get to it by doing it doggy style, or use your fingers pressing towards her belly.


condoms will help you maintain your erection longer bc the sensation is not as intense. Also, if you are concerened about holding out long enough to give her an orgasim, you could try foreplay to make sure she has one before you have sex, that way there won't be so much pressure on you to perform.


Good luck, and definitely have fun

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I find condoms are usually a One Size Fits All type of deal. As for the Gspot. The best way to find this is while fingering her. If she is on her back, have your finger inside her with your palm up. curl your finger inwards towards her stomach and you'll notice a certain way/spot that makes her start breathing heavily. Find it in foreplay and go from there.

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