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Ah one of the reasons I am glad that there are less "stereotypes" regarding women and being "touchy feely". I am glad I can hug/kiss/hold hands/cuddle with my female friends and not worry that I am "being gay".


That being said, I don't see an issue with men hugging other men. Hugs are great, they make you feel good and they make others feel good. Like Dako said: be free.

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Kissing between men is not uncommon in some european societies, and they are perfectly straight men doing so. So a little hug here and there shouldn't be seen as "gay." I'm totally straight.


I say if you're an affectionate person; which you sound like it, (I know I am - I express myself better with actions than words, even though I am an articulate speaker) go for it!

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Yeah man, it's okay to hug a guy...I mean most guys our age would rather do the one arm grab and the other around the back type hug. But either way...as long as you hug RIGHT, it's not feminine. I mean that by...dont hug low and pull your lower bodies together, it's just an upper body hug.

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yeah for euro and latins that's fine. I'm asian. Asians don't hug, kiss or touch. we shake hands politely (with both hands if you're the greeter) and bow our head.


i am an asian as well. and yeah, i wasnt used to hugging people. it felt uncomfortable.


but im in nz now, and im receiving heaps of hugs from both male and female acquaintances. they come up and say "hey bro" and give me a hug.


i suppose ive learned how to be one of them hugging lot. and i don't feel gay at all.


you should be fine.

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I know what you mean. But if I feel like giving some guy I know a hug then chances are I will. I understand how you feel that, especially, you can't because you're asian but if you just let go then, if anything, people will think you're a really nice guy (not necessarily a gay one).


Like Kevin T said, if you live in America people won't think as much about it. Be spontaneous, just let go to the feeling of affection or whatever it is that you have for the other person when it comes up.


I just walked right up to someone and gave him a big hug a couple of days ago because I was really happy about a test I'd passed and it was just a natural reaction before I told him and when I saw him. Although I knew he was surprised and felt a bit awkward that didn't stop me from expressing my joy to him. You know you're not gay so if you want to give someone a hug don't worry about what the person will think and don't think about it yourself. Be natural, and the only way to be natural is to be yourself, and the only way to be yourself is not to think about it!

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And I'm actually English by the way, so not all Europeans are comfortable huggers. In fact, no offence to anyone, many can be quite cold and if they go through the motion of giving you a hug, with smiles and words, that doesn't mean there's any real feeling involved. It's just become another form of handshake. The best hug is the one you're talking about, where you want to, as opposed to a mere formality.

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I'm asian. Asians don't hug, kiss or touch. we shake hands politely (with both hands if you're the greeter) and bow our head.


Uh, just bc you are Asian/American, and you don't "hug, kiss, or touch," this does NOT mean Asians don't hug, kiss, or touch.


And lol, have you been to Asia lately?

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Mate, I hug everyone. And I mean everyone. Especially after I've been drinking but then all my friends expect that now. Its actually a bit of a running joke, apparently I love everyone when I've had a couple but I'm happy with that, better than getting violent or abusive I reckon.


In all honesty theres nothing wrong with it at all. Mostly I use as a way to show my good friends that thats exactly what they are; good friends. Of course I don't do it all the time but after its been a while since I've seen them or going to be a while until I see them next then yeah I hug them.


Give it a try sometime

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And I'm actually English by the way, so not all Europeans are comfortable huggers. In fact, no offence to anyone, many can be quite cold and if they go through the motion of giving you a hug, with smiles and words, that doesn't mean there's any real feeling involved. It's just become another form of handshake. The best hug is the one you're talking about, where you want to, as opposed to a mere formality.


I'm english too, and I HUG! lol

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Don't all men feel that way?


That's funny. I was about to agree and then I thought not all gay men or religious fanatics ect. might feel that way.


So I guess the best way to tell a guy's orientation (or at least their personality) isn't if they hug other guys but if they look awkward hugging other women!


Oh and Kevin T, what a coincidence.

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