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I had the strangest experience last night while sleeping and I can't even be sure it was real. I had this dream that I was in a meditation class and I did something wrong, not sure what, got into an argument with other meditators and got kicked out of the meditation class!!!


I was so sad, that I woke up from my dream crying! I'm not even sure that I did or if that was also a dream. But it bothers me to think that something inside of me is that disturbed and unbalanced that I woke up from a dream crying... What is wrong with me?? Anyone else have this experience before?


I guess, I'm just wondering if I'm depressed and I don't know it. I've had that guy I broke things off with on my mind a lot, semi-constantly. Though I haven't initiated contact with him since last wed after yoga class, we had a good chat, then saturday in yoga class he put his mat down right next to mine and then had scones with me and my friend after class... I really like him but haven't emailed him or called him.

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Interesting. I had a dream either yesterday or the day before, sorry I have trouble remembering, that I died. I had been thinking about what happens after a person dies, blah blah. Then I had a dream about it.


So think about it. If your sad about something, maybe rejection. Getting rejected for messing up. Think about it. Dreams, for me, usually follow my mind. What I have on my mind. When I got my heartbroken, and even recently talking to the girl, all my dreams are about her.


So your normal, don't worry about it. Your okay, and your mind is only trying to relieve you of the stress you can't deal with. It's hard getting over someone, your mind gets it out through dreams. Your okay.

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Waking up crying is common - I've woken up crying on plenty of occasions! The thing is...when you're dreaming, for the most part you accept that it's happening in real life. Yes, lucid dreaming does occur, but not constantly. But anyway - as far as your perception is concerned, you're living that experience, and if it is something that would make you cry, of course you will cry, and so the part of your brain that makes you cry is receiving messages that you're upset...so you cry! I had a dream where my sister and brother in law died in a fire, then at the funeral I found out they were going to have a baby. In the dream I was crying absolutely hysterically, and when I woke up I was crying, and in a really weird mood for the rest of the day. Perfectly natural. Believe me - my dad works in a sleep lab - he studies brain functions whilst you sleep, what happens when you dream and so on.

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