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Do you believe in fate?

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We live in a completely random world, in a random universe, where bad guys may get away with it, or not. And good guys may end up bad. Or not.


Fate is just a comforting idea that helps you get thru, but nothing more. You make part of it. The rest is left to chance/luck.

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That is a question for the ages, isn't it? regardless, i think one has to be careful not to use one's own deepest hopes and wishes and call them 'fate' because we are not willing to deal with the reality of the situation...


we have free choice, and circumstances that might be called fate can upset the applecart time and again, but we have the ability to be both reactive and proactive, to bring about a better life and circumstances for ourselves...


i've seen some people say they were fated to be with some person, while the other person one day decides they do NOT want to be together... so the person believing in fate waits years and tons of heartache before they realize they were not really fated to be together, and the one was just being stubborn hanging onto a hope that had zero chance of ever coming to pass.

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I don't believe in fate. I make and am responsible for all of my choices and actions. To suggest that some force or thing out there is guiding me through a predetermined set of train tracks that I can't get off of sounds silly to me.


I don't believe in the "one" either. Unless you are talking about Keanu Reves in the Matrix.


Couldn't agree more.


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You mean predetermined events?


See, the problem is a bit like observing quantum behaviour. If you sense fate, your behaviour may well change to greet it or avoid it. You may look back and explain past events with it.


If you don't do these things then it cannot exist or have a name. So, because it has a name, I believe it



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Do I believe in fate? No. I personally think using phrases like "if it's meant to be" is just a method a person uses to avoid the responsibility of making a choice.


I do find it interesting, however, that in viewing these posts & in talking with various friends over the years, it seems that women are more likely than men to profess a belief in fate.

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Perhaps those who see choice and chance as the wheels of life are deluding themselves into thinking they can have a sort of control or, failing that, at least an opportunity to benefit from 'luck'.

Fate seems equally unpleasant because as a notion it fools me into thinking that some higher mind or being has taken the time to plan my insignificant life out from beginning to end.

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I think you can twist fate. For example, if you meet someone and you do nothing, and nothing comes of it, it isn't fate.


However, if you meet someone and establish a connection you've never felt before, it's funny how it somehow becomes fate.


Believing in fate is a double edged sword. On one hand if you have something amazing, fate is praised. If you haven't found what you're looking for and believe nothing will change, fate is scorned. So fate is an out for someone to not take control of their lives and their perceptions.


On the same token however, I don't think establishing a connection with someone special is by chance either. You may meet by chance, and see each other by chance, but developing and nurturing a relationship is something chance cannot fulfill. Commonalities between two people are chance's afterthought

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Here's my take on fate/faith. Fate is something that happens to you w/o your control and knowing what won't/never happen to you, yet, it still happens (you can call this either luck or bad luck, same to me)


Everything else IS in your control! Life is about choices. What you choose will determine the outcome of that choice and/or the path it will lead you, good or bad.


You have the knowledge, you have the experience, now you need to make a choice...

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When I was younger, I didn't believe in that whole thing of "things happen for a reason". I had a notion of the kind of job I ultimately wanted (and which I was certainly qualified for, but the the market was very tough) and no matter how hard I tried to make it happen (we are talking about sending over 1000 CVs over the course of 10 years or so!) it never happened for me. When my contract was ending in 2001, I scrambled for a new job and found what I am currently doing....quite removed from what I had been striving for, but I am so much happier with this career path...it is what I was meant to do. The years of sending out CVs and cover letters vastly improved my writing skills and confidence which has served me well in this new career path. As I looked back, I realized that had I gotten the kind of job I spent over 10 years striving for, I would have been miserable. So, yes, I most definitely believe in "things happening for a reason", it is only when we think back that we really realize it. Now, I wouldn't say that everything is fate, but I will say that sometimes things are meant to be or not meant to be...we can only see that after the fact, not while we are going through it. Sometimes things happen for us to learn a lesson from it.


Several incidents in my life have convinced me of spiritual interpositon of the promptings of some beneficent force outside ourselves, which tries to help us where it can. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Our destiny exercises its influence over us even when, as yet, we have not learned its nature: it is our future that lays down the law of our today. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche


All things that pass

Are wisdom's looking glass

Christina Rosetti

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