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How often do girls randomly get horny?

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could be bc? when i was on it, i was rarely ever horny.. even if i were, it'd go away within like 10 minutes.


oh and now, even when im NOT in the mood.. and my bf is.. he gives me a back massage followed by a leg massage and im just ready to do ANYTHING so maybe you just need to find your gf's trigger(s).

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I know I feel horny at times of the month. I figure its something to do with the infamous cycle thingy.



I'm not 100% sure on this...but from what I understand of it women's hormones swing up pretty high right before they ovulate and then come back down. Ovalution is the time where women will actually be able to conceive a child if there's sperm present. (Happens approximately in the middle of the monthly cycle, different for each woman of course)


So I've always figured that during that time when the hormones are on the upswing, women would get hornier! (aka. body is saying MAKE A BABY DAMMIT!) It'd be interesting to see if there are any studies on that...


Anyways, good luck figuring out her cycle!

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I'm horny now most of the time. Being squeezed (and hard) does turn me on. It isn't just out of "love" that I happen to get horny. I also would like to be bitten. Agreesiveness turns me on. The guy gotta want it and work for it. Move me all around.


But when nothing sexual is going on, I usually watch my male teacher's butts and lust about seducing them, tying them to...something.

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